Journey actions


Journeys allow users to use system and data source actions to update contacts as they move through the journey flow.

Accessing Journey actions

To access Journey actions, go to Marketing > Campaigns > Select your Journey > Edit > + > Action.

Managing Journey actions

Tag person

This action lets you Tag a person with one tag at a time.

Depending on your Journey settings, you can specify how often the tag can be added and what happens if the action fails.

NOTE: A tag can only be re-added to a contact if it has been removed first.

EX: If a tag triggers another Journey, you must first remove it and then re-add it for the contact to enter that journey. You can use the Remove tag shape in a Journey to facilitate this.

Tag person settings.

NOTE: If you need to add multiple tags, you’ll need to use multiple Tag person shapes.

Remove tag

Just like tagging a person, you can only remove one tag at a time using the Remove tag shape.

Depending on your Journey settings, you can specify how often the tag can be removed and what happens if the action fails.

Update field

The Update field action allows you to update system or custom fields in Ortto.

Depending on the field type you will have a few different options:

  • Set new value.
  • Clear value.
  • Set value with merge tags.
Update field settings.

EX: In the image above, you can see that we're updating the First name (system field) with the value from the First name field in Pipedrive.

Notification email

The Notification email action lets you send emails to users within your Ortto account.

Notification email setup.
  • The message box lets you use Ortto data and emojis to enhance your emails.
  • In the setup, you can control how often the notification email is sent per contact and specify what happens if the action fails.

CAUTION: With this action, a notification will be sent each time a contact passes through the shape. The notification email does not consolidate information for multiple contacts.

NOTE: Customers on our Business or Enterprise plans with validated custom domains can configure their email notifications to send to any email address with those domains.

EX: If you have as your connected domain, you can send notifications to anyone with an email address from that domain, even if they are not a user in Ortto.

Send to webhook

Learn more about configuring a webhook.

Archive contact

The Archive contact action lets you archive contacts based on criteria such as unsubscribing or being unengaged after receiving multiple emails without opening them.

The archive action lets you either archive a contact or archive and suppress them.

  • Archive: The contact is archived and will be deleted after 90 days unless reinstated.
  • Suppress: The contact is archived and added to the Email suppression list.
    • Even if reinstated, they won't receive future emails unless removed from the suppression list.
    Archive contact settings.

    NOTE: If contacts are deleted from the Customer Data Platform (CDP), they will remain on the suppression list.

  • In the setup, you can control how often a contact can be archived—such as if they are reinstated and need to be archived again—and specify what happens if the action fails.

Data source actions

Data source actions are specific to the sources you’ve connected to your Ortto account.

Modifying actions

All system actions have the same options in the editor view. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the shape to see the available options.

  • View: View the shape’s settings.
  • Edit: Edit the shape’s settings.
  • Switch Off: Turn off the shape.
  • Rename: Rename the shape.
  • Duplicate: Create a copy of the shape, keeping or changing the settings.
  • Move: Move the shape to a different location in the journey.
  • Copy Link: Copy the link to share with colleagues.
  • Remove: Delete the shape from the journey.