Working with organization journeys

This feature is currently in Beta and isn’t widely available to all accounts yet. To request access, please reach out to our support team.


Organization journeys allow users to configure complex flows of actions at the Organization level. These actions can send email and SMS messages, among other things, to Contacts within those Organizations, as well as perform actions at the Organization level.

Accessing organization journeys

To access Organization journeys, go to Marketing > Campaigns > New campaign > Organization journey.

Managing organization journeys

Organization journeys allows users to:

  • Add Organizations to a journey instead of individual Contacts.
  • Perform actions at the Organization level, such as tagging or updating Organization fields.
  • Send targeted emails to Organization members — either all members or filtered groups.

How organization activities work

Organization journeys primarily rely on Organization fields and activities, so it’s important to understand how these work.

Organization activities are actions performed by Contacts associated with those Organizations. For instance, if a Contact opens an email, the Opened Email activity will be recorded both at the Contact and Organization level.


  • 5 Contacts are linked to the same Organization.
  • An email is sent to all 5 Contacts, and 3 of them open it.
  • An entry criteria in an Organization journey using the activity Org > Opened Email has occurred will make all 5 Contacts eligible to enter the journey.
  • Even though only 3 Contacts opened the email, the activity is recorded at the Organization level, meaning all Contacts within that Organization will be eligible.

Journey panel

The Journey panel is where you specify the journey entry and exit conditions, the frequency at which Organizations can enter, audiences, and attribution.

Set up entry criteria

Similarly to Contact journeys, you have several options to choose from:

  • Matching a filter.
  • Specific activity occurring.
  • Having one or multiple specific tags.
  • Approaching a renewal date.
  • Anniversary of a date.
  • Recurring day.
Example of entry criteria for an Organization journey.

Learn more about entry criteria.

TIP: Remember, this is an Organization journey, meaning the condition you choose will be checked against the Organization profile, not individual Contact profiles. If an Organization matches, all Contacts within that Organization will receive the relevant communications in the journey, based on the Send messages to setting.

Send messages to

As an Organization moves through the journey, campaigns are sent to the Contacts belonging to that Organization.

  • Everyone belonging to the organization: All Contacts associated with the Organization will be eligible to receive the campaign.
  • Only people who match a filter: Only Contacts associated with the Organization who meet the filter you specify will be eligible to receive the campaign.

NOTE: This setting applies to the following campaign types:

Set up exit criteria

In the Organizations exit when section, you can set the filter conditions that determine how and when Organizations exit the journey.

Example of exit criteria for an Organization journey.

TIP: Remember, this is an Organization journey, meaning the condition you choose will be checked against the Organization profile, not individual Contact profiles. If the Organization matches, the entire Organization (along with all associated Contacts) will exit the journey.

Learn more about exit criteria.

Organizations can be in journey

In this section, you can choose how often an Organization can participate in a journey.

  • Only once, and enter one time only: An Organization can enter the journey once and won’t enter again in the future.
  • Only once, and enter multiple times: An Organization can be in the journey once at a time. It must exit the journey before it can re-enter the same journey.
  • More than once, and enter multiple times: An Organization enters the journey each time it meets the entry conditions. This means the Organization could be in different stages of the journey concurrently, entering each time it fulfills the entry condition.

When people unsubscribe

The When people unsubscribe section lets you control which audiences Contacts can unsubscribe from using an email in the journey.

  • Unsubscribe them from all communications: Contacts will be unsubscribed globally when they click the unsubscribe link in a journey email.
  • Unsubscribe from the <selected> audience: Contacts will be unsubscribed only from the specified audience when they click the unsubscribe link in a journey email.

NOTE: If Contacts are not opted into or members of the selected audience above, clicking the unsubscribe link will unsubscribe them globally.


Enabling Attribution allows you to choose an Organization activity that will be counted as a conversion for this campaign.

Learn more about attribution.