

The Inbox page serves as the control center for Talk inbox settings, encompassing management of email addresses, saved replies, teams and members, as well as assignment rules.


  • The Inbox feature is accessible across all plans.
  • Each plan level comes with 1 agent seat, and additional seats are accessible as an add on.

Accessing inbox

To access the inbox page, go to Settings > Inbox

Managing inbox

The inbox page provides access to various setting options, including:

Teams and members

You can create up to 20 teams, each crafted to handle distinct conversation types. For example, you might create one team for managing sales inquiries and another for customer support.

Delve into team creation to customize crucial features like email handoff by specifying the team's email address. Additionally, explore defining custom office hours and response times for both the team and its members.

Office hours & response times

By establishing default office hours and response times, you can inform visitors about your anticipated response times while you're active or away. These estimates will be visible in the Talk widget homepage and in automated replies during conversations, depending on your current online or away status.

Learn more about configuring office hours and response times.

Assignment rules

In this section, you can set the criteria for assigning new conversations to particular teams or agents.

Learn more about configuring assignment rules.

Email addresses

Within this section, you can tailor your outgoing and incoming email settings for Talk.

Learn more about configuring email addresses.

Saved replies

Saved replies streamline your team's responses by providing consistent and efficient answers to common inquiries. Each saved reply can be tailored for use by specific teams, whether it's instructions on using product features for the Support team or updates for the entire organization.

Learn more about configuring saved replies.

AI model

Ortto's Talk AI optimizes the workflow for agents handling visitor inquiries by suggesting relevant responses based on provided data, which agents can customize to suit specific conversations.

Learn more about configuring the AI model.


Within this section, you can control the activation or deactivation of the customer satisfaction survey, tailor inbox search filters, and adjust other Talk-related behaviors, including managing the response when a customer replies to a closed conversation.

Learn more about configuring the advanced settings for your inbox.