Talk inbox
Ortto’s Talk inbox is the user interface where agents manage and engage in conversations with contacts and visitors.
Access the inbox
To access Ortto’s talk inbox:
- Ensure you are signed in to Ortto.
- Click Inbox in the navigation drawer on the left to open Ortto’s inbox.
Setup up the inbox
Inbox setup is managed in Ortto at Settings > Inbox.
Learn more about inbox setup under Inbox.
Teams and inboxes
If you have teams set up, they will be visible in the left-hand sidebar of the inbox. Agents who are members of teams will have their teams automatically added to the favorites section of the menu. Agents can also add teams they are not a member of to their favorites menu.
Learn more about configuring teams in Talk messenger.
Inbox assignment rules
Conversation assignment rules are set at Settings > Inbox > Assignment rules.
New inbound conversations that don’t meet an assignment rule will be assigned to the default team set at Settings > Inbox > Assignment rules.
If you have no teams, a new conversation will appear in the Unassigned inbox.
Within the inbox, conversations can be manually assigned or reassigned a number of ways:
- When an agent replies to an unassigned conversation, it will automatically be assigned to them.
- Team and agent assignment can be changed using the drop-down menus at the top of a conversation.
- Agents can also be assigned to a conversation when another agent tags them in a comment.

Conversations are organized into views, based on teams, assignment, or mentions or spam.
These are the default views (you’ll see some differences depending on whether or not you have teams):
- My inbox contains conversations that are assigned to you.
- Unassigned contains conversations that are not assigned to any agent. If you have teams, this will contain unassigned conversations that belong to your team/s.
- Assigned contains conversations that are assigned to all agents. If you have teams, this will contain assigned conversations that belong to your team/s.
- All contains all conversations from all views.
Additional views can include:
- Mentions, which contains conversations that you have been mentioned in (where another agent has mentioned you in a comment).
- Spam, which contains conversations marked as spam.
- Team-based inboxes, which contain conversations that belong to that team (e.g. Sales, Support).
Clicking on a view will show you the relevant conversations in the conversation list, where you can view conversations by status (open, closed, or snoozed) and by time (newest or waiting longest).
Agent and team statuses
Agents have two states:
- Online: the inbox is open in a browser tab and the agent has set their status to Online.
- Away: the browser tab with the inbox is closed or the agent has set their status to Away.
Following this, a team can have two statuses:
- Online: at least one agent is online.
- Away: all agents are away.
Who’s online
You can see which agents are online by:
- Hovering over your agent avatar to see the names of online agents.
- Clicking on your agent avatar to see online agents and their avatars. If you have teams, agents are grouped by team.
- When manually assigning a conversation, by clicking the assignment drop-down carat.

Agent settings
In the left-hand sidebar, click Inbox to access links to:
- Change view,
- switch to dark mode or mute notification sounds,
- Ortto support and submit feedback to Ortto,
- access settings, and
- navigate back to the Ortto app.

In the sidebar, an agent can click on their profile image to set their status as online or away.

Contact details and activities
Learn more about the contact details and activities sidebar at Contact details and activities.
Conversations list
Conversations between agents and contacts/visitors are captured in individual threads and are accessed from the left-hand sidebar in the inbox.
Learn more about conversations list.
Learn about managing conversations, including conversation statuses, audio conversations (calls), agent ratings, group conversations, and agent conversation options in Manage conversations.
For details on creating conversation messages, read Create a conversation message.
Conversation ID
Each conversation has a unique ID which is visible in Talk Inbox and in the subject line of conversation emails.

Agent-initiated conversations
Often, agents will reply to conversations initiated by the contact or visitor via the Talk messenger widget or email. However, if required, agents can compose message to start a new conversation with a contact.
Learn more about agent-initiated conversations.
Use the search function in the top-left corner to find terms in conversations.
Add filters to your search terms to narrow-down the results, such as searching for a term in conversations associated with a particular agent and a particular tag. In addition to the default field filters, you can add custom search fields to help your team more easily find relevant results.
For example, this inbox has the organization fields "Industry" and "Name" added as custom search fields.

To add a custom search field, click the settings icon to access the custom fields setup (or navigate to Settings > Inbox > Advanced > Custom search fields).
Search results will appear as a list of conversations that fit the search parameters (search term plus any filters).
TIP: Find a conversation by its ID by searching for the ID number plus "#" (e.g. "#12345").
A search for a conversation ID without "#" will return results for the conversation ID ("#12345") and the ID as a keyword ("12345").
Email handoff
In conversations initiated via the talk capture widget (outbound) or a contact/visitor using the talk widget (inbound), there will be a handoff to email after a period of contact/visitor inactivity.
Learn more about email handoff.
Read-only mode
Users with limited permissions can view conversations in read-only mode.
In read-only mode, users are unable to:
- Change the status of a conversation.
- Change which agent the conversation is assigned to.
- Create a new conversation.
- Add a reply.
- Change the online/away status.
- View an inbox or snoozed conversations.
However, read-only users can add a comment to a conversation.