Create a conversation message
This page describes how to create conversation messages in the Talk inbox.
To create a conversation message, use the message box to send text, links, emojis and attachments. The message box is where you can also add saved replies, see and use AI suggestions, and compose a conversation comment, including tagging another agent.
To add a link to text, highlight the text to link then click the link icon and add the relevant URL.
Both agents and contacts/visitors can add files and images to conversations by clicking the upload icon > Upload file or dragging a file/image into the message box. A maximum of 10 files (including images) with a maximum file size of 20 MB each can be added to a message.
The following file formats are permitted:
Permitted file format | Agent | Contact |
.bmp | X | X |
.csv | X | X |
.gif | X | X |
.jpeg | X | X |
X | X | |
.png | X | X |
.tif, .tiff | X | X |
.txt | X | X |
Once added to the conversation, files can be downloaded by hovering over the file and clicking the download icon. Images can be downloaded by hovering or clicking on the image, then clicking the download icon.
Add saved replies
Saved replies are primarily created and managed in your inbox settings, at Settings > Inbox > Saved replies.
To access saved replies when composing a message:
- Type "/saved",Or
- Click the upload icon > Saved replies.
From the Saved replies selection modal, click on the name of a reply or the tick icon to add it to the message box.

Agents can also create new saved replies from the Saved replies modal.
React to messages
Both agents and contacts/visitors can add an emoji reaction to a message in the conversation by clicking on the message and selecting an emoji.

Once a reaction is added to a message, you can remove the reaction by clicking on it.
Agents can comment by clicking to toggle the Chat button to Comment on conversations, and the comment will appear in yellow in the conversation to other agents (the comment will not be visible to the visitor/contact). Alternatively, set the message box to comment mode by typing "/comment" in the message box.
Comments are helpful for cases such as when one agent needs to hand the conversation over to another agent and wants to summarize the conversation so far.
Agents can edit comments as required. Simply click on the more icon next to the comment to access the edit option.
You can also mention another agent or team in your comment and they will receive a notification in their Mentions view. When mentioning another agent/team in a comment you also have the option assign the conversation to them. To mention an agent/team in a comment, type "@" and the agent or team’s name, then:
- To only mention the agent/team, click the send icon.
- To mention and assign the conversation to the agent/team, click the drop-down carat to select the relevant agent/team to assign to and post your comment.
Comments are different to the Contact notes in the contact’s details panel (the right-hand sidebar) in that comments only exist within the conversation, unlike notes which are linked to a contact’s profile.
Keyboard shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are available when composing messages in Talk:
Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected content to the clipboard. |
Ctrl+V | Paste the contents of the clipboard. |
Ctrl+A | Select all content. |
Ctrl+B | Apply bold formatting to the highlighted text. |
Ctrl+I | Apply italic formatting to the highlighted text. |
Ctrl+U | Apply underlined formatting to the highlighted text. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo the previous action. |
Ctrl+Shift+7 | Format highlighted text as a numbered list. |
Ctrl+Shift+8 | Format highlighted text as a bulleted list. |
AI suggestions
The data fed into your AI model is used to generate suggestions in the inbox to help agents write conversation replies and comments. You can show or hide AI suggestions as required (they are shown by default).
The AI suggestion will aim to answer the visitor/contact’s question based on the data provided from your content sources (e.g. help documentation) and other sources (such as saved replies).
When you are presented with an AI suggestion you can simply click Insert to pre-fill the message box with the response and send it as-is to the visitor/contact, or edit it before sending. Any edits you make before sending will help the AI learn and improve for future versions.
Message options
Clicking on the more icon next to a message gives you the option to hide the message from the contact. You can do this for a message you’ve sent, or one sent by the contact or another agent.
Hiding messages is useful if sensitive content has accidentally been shared, such as if an agent has accidentally sent internal information.
A message can also be unhidden as needed, and will (re)appear in the conversation according to when it was sent.

NOTE: If you download a transcript of a conversation that has hidden messages, they will be included in the transcript.