In-app notifications


The In-app notifications page provides the necessary information to install Ortto's in-app notifications SDK on Android and iOS devices.

NOTE: Push notifications are available on certain Ortto plans.

Accessing in-app notifications

To access the in-app notifications page, go to Settings > Channels > In-app notifications.

Managing in-app notifications

In-app notifications

In-app notifications are popup widgets displayed on mobile devices. To enable these for your app you need to create a capture widget configured to display on Android and/or iOS devices, and configure your application to support in-app notifications using Ortto’s software development kit (SDK).

iOS in-app notifications

Under the iOS in-app notifications page you'll find the required values for installing the iOS SDK in your app.

  1. Navigate to > In-app notifications > iOS in-app notifications.
  2. Locate SDK settings:
  • Application key
  • API endpoint
  • Datasource ID
  • Capture JS URL.

Learn more about SDK options for iOS:

Android in-app notifications

Under the Android in-app notifications page you'll find the required values for installing the Android SDK in your app.

  1. Navigate to > In-app notifications > Android in-app notifications.
  2. Locate SDK settings:
  • Application key
  • API endpoint
  • Datasource ID
  • Capture JS URL.

Learn more about SDK options for Android: