SMS setup


The SMS setup page within Ortto's platform provides users with comprehensive tools to configure global SMS messaging configurations for both SMS and journey campaigns.

NOTE: SMS functionality is offered as an optional add-on for all plan types.

Accessing SMS setup

To access the SMS setup page, go to Settings > Channels > SMS

Managing SMS setup

The SMS setup page allows users to:

SMS Numbers

This feature enables users to configure Ortto account's SMS numbers for different countries, ensuring localized communication strategies.

You can also utilize this section to connect with Tall Bob, Twilio, or Kudosity.

Example of SMS connection options.

Learn more about SMS numbers.

SMS Sender IDs

Utilizing a sender ID enables you to send SMS messages using a recognizable name, such as Ortto, instead of a numerical phone number (e.g., +61412345678). By doing so, your SMS recipients can easily identify you as the sender, potentially leading to improved open rates and enhanced engagement.

Learn more about sender IDs.

Consent, Opt out and default responses

Users can customize Ortto's standard SMS branding, define message responses, and set up interactive message options such as opt-out mechanisms for compliance and branding consistency.

Learn more about consent, opt out and default responses.

SMS Limits and fallback

Configure restrictions on when Ortto sends SMS messages, and define default country codes for fallback scenarios, optimizing message delivery and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Learn more about SMS limits and fallbacks.

Regulatory Bundles

Users can upload necessary documents for regulatory bundles, which are required by certain countries, enabling Ortto to legally utilize SMS messaging for numbers in those regions.

Learn more about regulatory bundles.

Preference Center

Customize Ortto's web page content for managing SMS subscription preferences. This includes configuring audiences to appear as options within the SMS preference center, providing users with control over their messaging preferences.

Learn more about the SMS preference center.

SMS custom domain

Setting up a Custom domain for SMS messages enables you to utilize a dedicated tracking domain distinct from your email communications. This enhances brand recognition, fosters trust, and ensures your SMS messages remain concise.

Learn more about SMS custom domain.