Salesforce journey actions
This page outlines the Salesforce actions available in Ortto after integrating Salesforce as a new data source. These actions can be used in both journey and playbook campaigns to update object records in Salesforce and fields in Ortto’s CDP.
Accessing Salesforce actions
- Journeys: Open the journey and select edit > add a new shape > you can then select a Salesforce action.
- Playbooks: Open the playbook and navigate to the actions tab at the top of the page > select new action > select the Salesforce tab and select the Salesforce action.
TIP: If you are using Person Accounts in Salesforce, refer to this article to learn how to use journey action shapes to update Person Accounts.
Create record, Update record, Create or update record
The Create record, Update record and Create or update record actions allow you to create or update a new object record in Salesforce. The available Salesforce object types are based on those imported after integrating Ortto with Salesforce.
- On the Setup page after selecting the action, choose from one of the default Salesforce Object types.
NOTE: If you select the Object type: Opportunity, Ortto will update only the latest opportunity associated with a contact. The update record action cannot update all opportunities associated with a contact.

2. Depending on the Object type you choose, the associated set of Fields will then appear. See the table below for a full list of the fields available
3. Once you select an object, you will see a section titled Record linking.
4. Complete the relevant fields for your chosen object type. Ortto will automatically pre-populate as many of these fields with appropriate merge tag values from your account’s CDP. However, you have the ability to specify your own merge tag values using the filter feature provided.
NOTE: If you use custom merge tags to populate fields, make sure they match valid Salesforce field values for the selected object type. Otherwise, Ortto will return a Salesforce error, and the action will fail in your campaign. Learn more in Working with filters.

5. To add any additional Salesforce fields to the object you want to create, click Add field and select from the remaining Salesforce fields available to that object.
NOTE: Learn more about these fields on the Salesforce person fields and Salesforce organization fields pages.
6. Then, click either:
- Test action: to test the Create/Update record action. This will actually execute the action and the results will be noticeable in your Salesforce service.
- Create: to add the action to your journey or playbook campaign.
NOTE: If an action in a journey temporarily fails, it will automatically retry up to 12 times before being marked as failed. Learn more about how failed journey actions are retried.
TIP: When the Last name field is required, you can assign a fallback value to ensure that a person whose last name is unknown can still be created as a record in Salesforce. Learn how to do this.
Change campaign status
The Change campaign status action allows you to change the status of an existing member in a Salesforce campaign.
NOTE: A status update won't be made if the value is already set in Salesforce. The journey shape will show the action as successful, but no changes or notifications will occur in Salesforce.
- On the Setup page after selecting the action, choose from one of your existing Salesforce Campaigns whose existing member’s status is to be changed.
- From the Status field, choose a new Salesforce status for the existing member of this Salesforce campaign.
- Then, click either:
- Test action: to test the Change campaign status action. The test action will actually execute the action and the results will be noticeable in your Salesforce service.
- Create: to add the action to your journey or playbook campaign.
Add to campaign
The Add to campaign action allows you to add a new member to a campaign in Salesforce, as well as set their status.
- On the Setup page after selecting the action, choose from one of your existing Salesforce Campaigns.
- To set the status of this new member, click the Add field link > Status drop-down menu item (this step is optional). From the new Status field, choose the Salesforce status for the new member being added to this Salesforce campaign.
- , Then, click either:
- Test action — to test the Add to campaign action.This will actually execute the action and the results will be noticeable in your Salesforce service.
- Create — to add the action to your journey or playbook campaign.

Remove from campaign
The Remove from campaign action allows you to add a new member to a campaign in Salesforce, as well as set their status. The Salesforce object types available are based on those imported after integrating Ortto with Salesforce.
- On the Setup, Remove from campaign page, choose from one of your existing Salesforce Campaigns.
- Click either:
- Test action — to test the Add to campaign action. The test action will actually execute the action and the results will be noticeable in your Salesforce service.
- Create — to add the action to your journey or playbook campaign.

Salesforce object types and fields
The following table details the Salesforce object types and fields available to select when creating or updating a record.
Object type | Fields | Description |
Account | Account Name | The name of the Salesforce account’s organization. |
| Billing City | The city portion of the Salesforce account’s billing address. |
| Billing Country | The country portion of the Salesforce account’s billing address. |
| Billing Zip/Postal Code | The zip or postal code portion of the Salesforce account’s billing address. |
| Industry | The primary business (selectable from a Salesforce picklist value) of the Salesforce account. |
| Employees | The number of people employed by the Salesforce account. |
| Owner | The name of the Salesforce account’s assigned owner. This field allows you to choose between:
NOTE: Ensure these values map to valid Salesforce users. Otherwise, Ortto will return the relevant Salesforce error and this Salesforce action will fail in the campaign it has been used in. |
| Account Site | The URL of the website of the Salesforce account. |
Campaign | Name | The name of the lead or contact that belongs to the Salesforce campaign. |
Campaign Member | Campaign | The identifying name of the Salesforce campaign itself. |
Contact | Last Name | The last name of the Salesforce contact. |
| Account | The name of the Salesforce account that the Salesforce contact is linked to. |
| The email address of the Salesforce contact. | |
| First Name | The first name of the Salesforce contact. |
| Mailing City | The city portion of the Salesforce contact’s mailing address. |
| Mailing Country | The country portion of the Salesforce contact’s mailing address. |
| Mailing Zip/Postal Code | The zip or postal code portion of the Salesforce contact’s mailing address. |
| Owner | The name of the Salesforce account’s assigned owner. This field allows you to choose between:
NOTE: Ensure these values map to valid Salesforce users. Otherwise, Ortto will return the relevant Salesforce error and this Salesforce action will fail in the campaign it has been used in. |
| Business Phone | The primary business number of the Salesforce contact. |
Lead | Company | The name of the company with which the Salesforce lead is affiliated. This value is originally sourced from the Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) name in Salesforce. |
| Last Name | The last name of the Salesforce lead. |
| City | The city portion of the Salesforce lead’s address. |
| Country | The country portion of the Salesforce user’s/lead’s address. |
| The email address of the Salesforce lead. | |
| First name | The first name of the Salesforce lead. |
| Owner | The name of the Salesforce account’s assigned owner. This field allows you to choose between:
NOTE: Ensure these values map to valid Salesforce users. Otherwise, Ortto will return the relevant Salesforce error and this Salesforce action will fail in the campaign it has been used in. |
| Phone | The primary phone number of the Salesforce lead. |
| Zip/Postal Code | The zip or postal code portion of the Salesforce lead’s address. |
Opportunity | Close date | The date when the Salesforce opportunity was closed. |
| Name | The name of the Salesforce opportunity’s contact. |
| Stage | The current stage of the Salesforce opportunity, based on selections made from a predefined list in Salesforce. For example, Prospect or Proposal. |
| Account | The name of the Salesforce account. This field allows you to choose between:
NOTE: Ensure the merge tag values map to valid Salesforce accounts. Otherwise, Ortto will return the relevant Salesforce error and this Salesforce action will fail in the campaign it has been used in |
Task | Due Date Only | The date when the Salesforce task is due. |
| Status | The Salesforce status of the Salesforce task. For example, "not started" or "completed." |
| Subject | The Salesforce subject of the Salesforce task. |