Creating and managing tags

Tags help you group and filter people and organizations in your CDP, and conversations in your inbox.

The tag manager can be accessed from the left-hand navigation drawer via More > Tags.

Tags for people and organizations

Tags are ideal for grouping or identifying people and organizations by a specific and static or unchanging value. For example, you host a monthly webinar and want to tag the webinar attendees according to their attendance, so you might create tags like "Webinar Nov 2022", "Webinar Dec 2022", etc. Or, you have customers who are beta users of your new feature, so you might tag them accordingly, for example "App beta access".

The tags you apply to people and organizations can then be used to create audiences to which you send targeted communications, and run reports on the people associated with the tags.

This video provides an example for how you can create a specific filter to find a segment of your CDP to apply a tag to.

Create people and organization tags

To create and manage people and organization tags from the tag manager, in the left-hand navigation drawer click More > Tags.

You'll land on the People tags page by default, and you can use the view menu to access the Organization tags. Simply click on the building icon for organizations, and the person icon for people.

Click New tag to create a tag. Once created, you'll need to return to the People page or the Organization page to assign people or organizations to the relevant tag. Learn how to assign tags to people and organizations.

Click the more icon () next to a tag to access the Edit and Delete options.

View tagged people and organizations

To view the people or organizations associated with a tag, click the tag's name (or anywhere on the tag's row) and you'll be taken to the People page or the Organization page (as relevant) to view the list of tagged records.

Manage people and organization tags

If you hover over a tag's row, you'll see a checkbox on the left-hand side. This will allow you to select individual tags (or select/deselect all tags) to move them to a folder, or delete


NOTE: Take care when deleting tags, as doing so could affect audiences and campaigns. An example of this is if you have used tags to create an audience. By removing tags for some people, they may no longer appear in the audience and may not receive any campaigns you send to that audience.

Tags for conversations

Conversation tags can be used in a similar manner to help your support team identify different types of issues that customers have raised, or follow-up support required.

Learn more about tags for conversations.