SMS limits and fallback

The SMS limits and fallback page allows you to configure restrictions on when Ortto sends SMS messages from SMS and journey campaigns, and observe the maximum SMS message send rates for countries of the numbers configured in your Ortto account.

Access the SMS limits and fallback page

To access the SMS limits and fallback page, navigate to Settings  SMS  SMS limits and fallback.

On this page, you can configure:

If you change any of these field values (below), click Save towards the end of the page to save all changes you have made to the page.

SMS limits

The SMS limits section allows you to configure restrictions on when Ortto sends SMS messages, including:

  • the frequency with which customers receive Ortto-generated SMS messages, and
  • the dates and hours when Ortto-generated SMS messages triggered from journeys.

These limits are designed to reduce the frequency with which recipients are spammed by Ortto-generated SMS messages, which in turn aims to reduce their likelihood of unsubscribing from receiving these messages.

Select one of the following checkboxes to activate the required SMS limit restriction:

  • Prevent people receiving more than one SMS every X hours - if you select this checkbox, specify the value for X, and Ortto will only send SMS messages to each person once every X hours.
  • Do not send SMS within Journeys on specific dates - if you select this checkbox:
    • Click Add a date, then click inside the current date field to use the calendar popup to change the date.
    • To remove a date, click its adjacent bin icon.
    • Click Add another date to add another date to any existing dates.
  • Do not send SMS outside of waking hours, except for recipient initiated responses - Ortto only sends SMS messages during waking hours, unless the SMS is a response to a recipient-initiated reply or is a transactional SMS. Responses to recipient-initiated replies are the default message responses sent when a recipient replies with a keyword such as "START", "HELP" or "STOP".

SMS throughput by country

The SMS throughput by country section presents the maximum SMS message send rates for countries of the numbers configured in your Ortto account so far.

Currently, Ortto implements an automatic balancing feature, whereby as you add more numbers to your Ortto account for a given country, the SMS message send rates are evenly distributed across all configured numbers in your account for that country.

NOTE: This section only appears when at least one number has been configured in your Ortto account.

Fallback country code

The Fallback country code section allows you to configure the country code used by Ortto whenever SMS messages are sent to people whose phone number fields do not include a country prefix.

Set your fallback country code to the country that most people in your customer data platform (CDP) are likely to be located in.

NOTE: The only countries available from this list are those whose numbers have been configured on the SMS numbers page.

International SMS

If you have a US number you can choose to send to recipients in most countries, using the US number as the from number, instead of needing a local number for each country.

NOTE: The United Kingdom does not support receiving SMS messages from international numbers.