Adding organizations

Adding an organization to your Ortto account’s customer data platform (CDP) allows you to link more people in your CDP to another organization, which has not yet been registered in your CDP.

Organizations can be used to filter people (to then create Audiences or Campaigns from their respective pages) and when personalizing campaign content using merge tags.

Adding organizations will not affect the contact count of your Ortto plan.

To add organizations, the Organizations feature must first be enabled in your Ortto account (through the Settings > General page).


  • There is no limit to the number of organizations you can add.
  • You can link a maximum of 3000 people to an organization.
  • If you need to link more than 3000 people to an organization (or other similar entity such as a school or department), you can create a new person custom field of a single select field type (whose individual values would be the names of your organizations, schools or departments) to work around this limitation.

Add a single organization

  1. On the Organizations page, click Add organization.
  2. Specify the name of your organization then click OK.

NOTE: To benefit from using organizations, link at least one person to the organization. Learn more about linking people to organizations in Organization section of the person’s view page.

Add multiple organizations via a data source

  1. On the Organizations page, click More > Import.
  2. On the New data source page, select Spreadsheet import, then click Get started. Follow the process for importing data from a spreadsheet (CSV) file, noting the prerequisites to prepare your CSV file before uploading it to Ortto.
  3. When the import is complete, you will see the CSV file listed on the Data sources page. Access the Organizations page to see the new organization records you imported. By default, the data sources list and organizations table are ordered by most recent creation date.

NOTE: As mentioned in the CSV file prerequisites for organizations and people, importing an organization via a CSV file must be accompanied by the details of one or more people, to whom the organization will be linked.

If no person record matching the Email or Phone number exists, a new person record will be created using those values and linked to the organization.

NOTE: To configure a different data source integration, follow the instructions for each integration option under Configuring a new data source.