Managing data sources
Once you have added at least one data source store / service / site (after creating your Ortto account, including any others you have configured), you can manage these configured data sources through the Data sources page.
From this page, you can view the recent activities and people who interacted with a data source’s site, disconnect and re-connect a data source, as well as archive, restore or delete a data source.
NOTE: The exception to this is your Ortto account’s Tracking code, which needs to be added to the header of some sites to allow Ortto to track people’s activities on these sites.
View recent activities through a data source
To recent activities through a configured data source, including which people conducted these activities:
- On this page, click the data source whose activities and people you want to view.
This option presents a high-level view of:
- Records — the total number of new people and organizations who have been added to your Ortto account’s CDP through this data source.
- Total activities — the total number of activities conducted by people on the data source’s site, during periods when Ortto has been connected to the data source.
NOTE: When the data source was initially connected to Ortto, any activities conducted up to 90 days prior to this initial connection may be captured and included in this total. However, no activities are recorded or reflected in this total while the data source has been disconnected from Ortto.
- Last 30 days — this value reflects the last 30 days of the Total activities value.
- Activities — a bar chart reflecting the last 14 days of Total activities, where each bar represents the total activities on a given date.
This option lists the last 7 days of activities in reverse chronological order, where each activity indicates:
- The person who conducted the activity, where the person’s name links to their actual record (contact) in the Ortto CDP.
- A brief description about the activity this person conducted.
- A Show details link that reveals more information about the activity conducted.
NOTE: The Activity option is not available on some data sources whose integration only involves a single interaction with Ortto (e.g. a Spreadsheet (CSV) import).
By default, all recent activities conducted through this data source are presented. Of all Ortto activities configured, only those relevant to this data source are shown. You can, however, filter these activities down to a specific subset, by initially clicking the Filter activity list:

NOTE: The activities shown in this list differ depending on the data source you are viewing.
- To view only one or a small number of activities, clear the All activities checkbox, and select the checkboxes of the specific activities you want to see over the last 7 days.
- To exclude only one or a small number of activities, just clear the checkboxes of the specific activities you want to exclude over the last 7 days.
- If the list of activities is extensive, you can filter this list itself by typing one or more consecutive letters into the Search box, and any activities whose names do not match these letters are dynamically excluded from the list as you type. You can then select and/or clear the remaining activities on this list. Be aware that clearing the Search box, or clicking X keeps the selected and/or cleared state of all activities in the list, thereby allowing you to use this Search box multiple times to select and exclude from a wide range of activities whose names differ substantially.
This option lists all people who conducted the Total activities, during periods when Ortto has been connected to the data source.
By default, Ortto indicates the following field information for each person in this list:
- Name — A combination of the person’s First name and Last name fields.
- Engagement — A five-star indication of the person’s level of interaction with the data source.
- Email — The person’s email address.
- Last seen — The person’s last interaction with the data source. This field is used to sort this Audience list by default.
Customizing field visibility
You can change and customize these default fields for each data source by clicking the cog icon, and selecting or clearing the fields you want to show or hide, respectively:
- Use the People and Organization tabs to show (visible) the hidden (not visible) fields associated with each of these types of data records.
- You can filter this list of visible and hidden People or Organization fields by typing one or more consecutive letters into the Search box, and any fields whose names do not match these letters are dynamically excluded from the list as you type. You can then select and/or clear the remaining activities on this list. Be aware that clearing the Search box, or clicking X keeps the selected and/or cleared state of all activities in the list, thereby allowing you to use this Search box multiple times to select and exclude from a wide range of fields whose names differ substantially.
Once you have customized which fields you want to show, click Apply (or Cancel to discard your selections).
To restore the fields back to their defaults (above), click the Reset to default link.
Searching for specific people
You can filter the list of all people (who conducted the Total activities, during periods when Ortto has been connected to the data source), by typing one or more consecutive letters into the Search box. Any names, as well as other visible field values that do not match these letters are dynamically excluded from the list as you type.

Clearing the Search box, or clicking X shows all people originally listed again.
Click the Cancel link to leave this search mode.
Downloading the list of people
You can download this list of all people (who conducted the Total activities, during periods when Ortto has been connected to the data source) in CSV format, by clicking the Download link.
This opens the Download CSV dialog, which allows you to choose between downloading this list of all people containing:
- only the visible field data (by choosing Current column layout), or
- all of these people’s People and Organization field data (by choosing All data). Bear in mind that if you have many fields available, this process can take a while to complete.
In both cases, and email containing a Download button is sent to your registered email address. If you chose All data, this email may take a while to arrive.
Data source status
Data source status | Description |
Connected | The data source is connected and Ortto is ready to accept data from the data source. |
Completed | The data source has finished merging or synchronizing data with Ortto. |
Updating | The data source is connected and synchronizing data with Ortto. The update is running in the background and won’t interrupt your ability to use the data source. |
Syncing | The data source is connecting and synchronizing data with Ortto. The sync will impact your ability to use the data source in Ortto. |
Needs attention | The data source is not connected, please check that the data source is available, and the connection details are correct. |
Disconnected | The data source has been disconnected. |
Archived | The data source has been archived. |
Disconnect data source
Disconnecting a data source from Ortto will stop new data from the data source merging with the CDP.
To disconnect a data source:
- On the Data sources page, Click on the the data source to disconnect.
- Click Action, then Select Disconnect.
- Click Disconnect to confirm.
Archive data source
Archive the data source when it is no longer needed, to remove if from the list of data sources and search results, or to prepare it for deletion.
Archived data sources will not show in the data source list, or in search results (unless you search from within the archived list).
To list and search archived data sources, use the filter from the Data sources page.
To archive the data source:
- On the Data sources page, locate the data source to archive.
- Disconnect the data source unless is is already disconnected.
- Click Archive, or click the … more icon > Archive.
Delete data source
Delete a data source permanently removes it from your Ortto CDP. Data sources must first be archived to be able to delete them.
To Delete a data source:
- Archive the data source.
- On the Data sources page, use the filter drop down to show the list of archived data sources.
- Locate the data source.
- Click the … more icon > Delete.
- Click Delete to confirm the deletion.