Saved replies


Saved replies simplify team responses by offering consistent and efficient answers to common inquiries in the talk inbox. Each saved reply can be customized for specific teams, whether it's guidance on using product features for Support or updates for the entire organization.

Accessing saved replies

To access the saved replies page, go to Settings > Inbox > Saved replies

Managing saved replies

The saved replies page allows users to:

Create a saved reply

  1. Navigate to Inbox > Saved replies
  2. Select New saved reply.
  3. Choose an icon and give it a descriptive title in the modal.
  4. Write your reply, including media, merge tags, links, or emojis.
  5. Set the reply's availability.
  6. Select Create to save the reply.
Example of creating a new saved reply.

Modify a saved reply

There are two ways to modify a saved reply.

Via the saved reply page:

  1. Navigate to Inbox > Saved replies.
  2. Find the saved reply you want to modify.
  3. On the right-hand side, click the three dots menu and select Edit.
  4. Here you can edit the icon, title, contents, and availability as needed.
  5. Select Save to finalize changes.

In a conversation with a customer, through the saved reply modal:

  1. Type /saved to open the saved replies modal.
  2. Search for the saved reply you want to modify.
  3. Hover over the saved reply and select the edit icon.
  4. After making the changes, click on Save to finalize them.
Example of how to edit a saved reply.

Delete a saved reply

  1. Navigate to Inbox > Saved replies.
  2. Find the saved reply you want to Delete.
  3. Check the box next to the relevant Saved reply.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. Type PERMANENTLY DELETE to continue.

NOTE: Deleted saved replies cannot be recovered.

Example of deleting a saved reply.

Use a saved reply

  1. To use a saved reply in a talk conversation with a customer, type /saved to open the saved replies modal.
Example of how to load the saved replies modal.

2. To insert a saved reply, choose the saved reply you want to use.

Example of searching for a saved reply.

3. After inserting the saved reply, you can modify or make any changes before sending it.

NOTE: Once the saved reply has been inserted, any changes made will not be saved to the original saved reply itself.

Filtering saved replies

On the Saved replies page, you can easily search for or filter saved replies to quickly find what you need. You can filter by availability or those created by you, ensuring efficient access to the right responses.

Example of filtering saved replies.

Saved reply usage

You can also check the usage of your saved replies over the past 30 days to identify the most frequently used replies.

Example of usage over the last 30 days.