Engagement score calculations


The Engagement score is an important measure that shows how involved contacts are in the CDP. Here, we explain how it's calculated.

total points amassed by the user (points per activity x number of activity occurrences, for each activity) / total possible points (95th percentile score)

The resulting percentage corresponds to the following star ratings:

  • 0% (no score) receives 0 stars.
  • 1—​19% earns 1 star.
  • 20—​39% merits 2 stars.
  • 40—​59% achieves 3 stars.
  • 60—​79% attains 4 stars.
  • 80% or higher secures 5 stars.

NOTE: Scores are calculated once every 24 hours at midnight in the account's timezone. Consequently, any activity occurring before the calculation may not be included in the score.

Example 1. A contact’s engagement score calculation

Say your scoring activities are configured like this:

And a contact has engaged in the following activities within the recent half of your engagement period:

  • Opened email: "Thanks for subscribing to Foodly!"
  • Clicked email: "Tips for using the Foodly app" (3 times)
  • Opened email: "Tips for using the Foodly app"
  • Clicked email: "This week’s top recipes" (2 times)
  • Opened email: "This week’s top recipes"

The contact’s engagement score is calculated as follows:

  • 3 opens at 250 points each = 750 points
  • 5 clicks at 200 points each = 1000 points
  • Total: 750 (opens) + 1000 (clicks) = 1750 points

All contacts meeting the score criteria have their scores calculated, and the 95th percentile score is determined. In this example, the 95th percentile score is 2250.

  • The contact's score is then calculated against the highest contact score:
    • 1750 (total individual contact points) / 2250 (95th percentile score) = 0.77
    • This results in a final engagement score of 77%, equivalent to 4 stars.

TIP: If you notice a variance in what you expect a contact's engagement score to be, consider the following potential factors:

  • Recent archiving of activities or the contact itself.
  • Modifications in the list of engagement activities or their respective weights.
  • Adjustments to the engagement period.