Pipedrive organization fields

Pipedrive organizations are merged into your customer data platform (CDP) on the initial connection with Pipedrive.

Working with Pipedrive organizations

You can view or filter your Pipedrive contacts in your CDP on the Organizations page.

Customize the field visibility and add Pipedrive fields by clicking the cog icon, then select or clear the fields you want to show or hide.

Apply filters using the Pipedrive organization fields or activities to view the Pipedrive organizations in your organizations list that match the filter criteria. Learn more about Pipedrive activities under Pipedrive activities and attributes.

To filter organizations by the Pipedrive organization fields:

  1. On the the Organizations page, click Filter.
  2. Select Pipedrive organization, then select the fields to wish to use as filter conditions.
  3. Click Done.

Learn more about creating filters under Working with filters.

Organization fields added from Pipedrive

This table lists the Pipedrive organization fields that are added to your Ortto account after integrating Ortto with Pipedrive.




Company ID

Text (string)

The organization’s ID.

Company name

Text (string)

The organization’s name.

Organization name

Text (string)

The organization’s name.

Created at

Time and date

The date the organization was created as a record. In UTC, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Updated at

Time and date

The date the organization was last updated. In UTC, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Open deals


The amount of open deals associated with the organization.

Related open deals


The amount of related open deals associated with the organization.

Closed deals


The amount of closed deals associated with the organization.

Related closed deals


The amount of related closed deals associated with the organization.

Email messages


The amount of deal email messages the organization is associated with.



The amount of activities the organization is associated with.

Done activities


The amount of activities with a status of done the organization is associated with.

Undone activities


The amount of activities with a status of undone the organization is associated with.



The amount of files` the organization is associated with.



The amount of notes the organization is associated with.



The amount of followers the organization has.

Won deals


The amount of won deals the organization is associated with.

Related won deals


The amount of related won deals the organization is associated with.

Lost deals


The amount of lost deals the organization is associated with.

Related lost deals


The amount of related lost deals the organization is associated with.

Active flag


A boolean value identifying whether or not the organization is considered active

Next activity

Time and date

The date of the next (upcoming) activity the organization is associated with.

Last activity

Time and date

The date of the last (most recent) activity the organization is associated with.

Country code

Text (string)

The code representing the organization’s country.

Organization ID

Text (string)

The ID of the organization associated with the organization.

Next activity ID

Text (string)

The ID of the next (upcoming) activity associated with the organization.

Last activity ID

Text (string)

The ID of the last (most recent) activity associated with the organization.



A label applied to the organization.