Shopify activities and attributes
This page lists all default Shopify activities that are added to your Ortto account after integrating Ortto with Shopify when adding Shopify as a data source.
Abandoned checkout
The abandoned checkout activity is generated by Ortto based on a customer starting a checkout and not completing an order after 90 minutes. They may still complete an order after 90 minutes so it is important to use this activity in conjunction with the Place order activity to determine if a recent checkout is still in an abandoned state.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Abandoned checkout URL | URL | This is the URL to resume the abandoned checkout. |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the cart by name. |
Shipping price | Currency | This is the cost of shipping. |
Total weight | Number | This is the total weight of all items combined. |
Subtotal price | Currency | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. |
Total line item price | Currency | The price of all of the line item prices added together. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Discount codes | List (array of items) | A list of discount codes applied to the cart. |
Total discount | Currency | The total discount applied. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Source | Text | The source of the order e.g. Web, POS, iPhone, and Android. |
Referring site | URL | This is the URL of the referrer that brought the customer to your store. e.g. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in the cart. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the abandoned order. |
Total tax | Currency | This is the total tax of the abandoned order. |
Total tip | Currency | This is the total tip of the abandoned order. |
Note | Text | This is the note (if any) associated with the order. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer who started the checkout. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer who started the checkout. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer who started the checkout. |
Abandoned cart
The abandoned cart activity is generated by Ortto based on a customer having added to cart without checkout started having occurred after 90 minutes. The customer does not need to have visited the cart page, the Abandoned cart will trigger when a user adds a product to the cart and ends their session without checking out. They may still complete an order after 90 minutes so it is important to use this activity in conjunction with the Placed order activity to determine if a recent cart is still in an abandoned state.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the cart by name. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the abandoned cart. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in the cart. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer who abandoned the cart. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer who abandoned the cart. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer who abandoned the cart. |
Added product to cart
The Shopify added to cart activity is generated by Ortto when a customer adds products and navigates to their cart.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Title | Text | The title of the product. |
Variant title | Text | The variant title. |
Inventory quantity | Number | The inventory quantity of the products added to the cart. |
Weight | Number | The weight of the items added to the cart. |
SKU | Text | The product SKU. |
Device | Text | The device used by the customer. e.g. Desktop. |
Vendor | Text | The vendor of the product. |
Collections | List (array of items) | Collections that the product belongs to. |
Tags | List (array of items) | Tags related to the item. |
Price | Currency | The price of the item added to cart. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Product URL | Link | The URL of the item added to the cart. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer who added the product to the cart. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer who added the product to the cart. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer who added the product to the cart. |
Back in stock
The back in stock activity is generated by Ortto when a customer has requested to be notified when a certain item is back in stock.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Title | Text | The title of the product that is back in stock. |
Inventory quantity | Number | The inventory quantity of the product back in stock. |
Variant title | Text | The title of the variant if applicable. |
SKU | Text | The SKU of the product. |
Vendor | Text | The vendor of the product. |
Collections | List (array of items) | Collections that the product belongs to. |
Tags | List (array of items) | Tags related to the item. |
Weight | Number | The weight of the item back in stock. |
Price | Currency | The price of the item back in stock. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Product URL | Text | The URL of the item. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Checkout started
This activity occurs when the checkout process begins and the user is identified.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the cart by name. |
Shipping price | Currency | This is the cost of shipping. |
Total weight | Number | This is the total weight of all items combined. |
Subtotal price | Currency | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. |
Total line item price | Currency | The price of all of the line item prices added together. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Discount codes | List (array of items) | A list of discount codes applied to the cart. |
Total discount | Currency | The total discount applied. |
Total tax | Currency | This is the total tax of the checkout. |
Total tip | Currency | This is the total tip of the checkout. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Source | Text | The source of the order e.g. Web, POS, iPhone, and Android. |
Referring site | URL | This is the URL of the referrer that brought the customer to your store. e.g. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in the cart. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the abandoned order. |
Note | Text | This is the note (if any) associated with the checkout. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Placed order, Order canceled, Order fulfilled, Order refunded
These activities are generated as the order status progresses between statuses. The order status URL gives the customer updates about the order and is generated by Shopify.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Order status URL | URL | This is the URL the customer can visit to check the status of their order. |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the cart by name. |
Shipping price | Currency | This is the cost of shipping. |
Total weight | Number | This is the total weight of all items combined. |
Subtotal price | Currency | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. |
Total line item price | Currency | The price of all of the line item prices added together. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Discount codes | List (array of items) | A list of discount codes applied to the cart. |
Total discount | Currency | The total discount applied. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. E.g. USD |
Source | Text | The source of the order e.g. Web, POS, iPhone, and Android. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in the cart. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the order. |
Total tax | Currency | This is the total tax of the order. |
Total tip | Currency | This is the total tip of the order. |
Referring site | Text | This is the URL of the referrer that brought the customer to your store. e.g. |
Note | Text | This is the note (if any) associated with the order. |
Shipment status | Text | The status of the shipment. |
Tracking company | Text | The name of the tracking company. |
Tracking number | Text | The tracking number associated with the order. |
Tracking numbers | List (array of items) | The tracking numbers (if more than one) associated with the order. |
Tracking URL | Link | The URL of the tracking service. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Updated order
This activity occurs when an order is updated in Shopify.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Order status URL | URL | This is the URL the customer can visit to check the status of their order. |
Order ID | Link | The ID of the order. |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the cart by name. |
Shipping price | Currency | This is the cost of shipping. |
Total weight | Number | This is the total weight of all items combined. |
Subtotal price | Currency | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. |
Total line item price | Currency | The price of all of the line item prices added together. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Discount codes | List (array of items) | A list of discount codes applied to the cart. |
Total discount | Currency | The total discount applied. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. E.g. USD |
Source | Text | The source of the order e.g. Web, POS, iPhone, and Android. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in the cart. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the order. |
Total tax | Currency | This is the total tax of the order. |
Total tip | Currency | This is the total tip of the order. |
Referring site | Text | This is the URL of the referrer that brought the customer to your store. e.g. |
Note | Text | This is the note (if any) associated with the order. |
Shipment status | Text | The status of the shipment. |
Tracking company | Text | The name of the tracking company. |
Tracking number | Text | The tracking number associated with the order. |
Tracking numbers | List (array of items) | The tracking numbers (if more than one) associated with the order. |
Tracking URL | Link | The URL of the tracking service. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Price dropped
This activity occurs when a customer has either viewed a product, added to cart or started checkout without a purchase being made in the past 30 days.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Title | Text | The title of the product. |
Inventory quantity | Number | The inventory quantity of the product back in stock. |
Variant title | Text | The title of the variant selected if applicable. |
SKU | Text | The product SKU. |
Vendor | Text | The product vendor. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in the cart. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart. |
Weight | Number | This is the total weight of all items combined. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Price | Currency | This is the total price of the item. |
Product URL | Link | The URL of the item. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Ordered product
Each product in an order generates an Ordered product activity. This allows you to visualize and filter based on individual products purchased.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Quantity | Number | The amount of the product ordered. |
Weight | Number | The weight of the total quantity of the order. |
Title | Text | The title of the product. |
Variant title | Text | The title of the variant selected if applicable. |
SKU | Text | The product SKU. |
Vendor | Text | The product vendor. |
Price | Currency | The price of an individual product ordered. Does not take into account quantity. |
Collections | List (array of items) | A list of the collections the product belongs to. |
Tags | List (array of items) | The tags related to the product. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Product URL | Link | The URL of the item. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Viewed product
The viewed product activity is generated by Ortto when a known user views a product in your Shopify store. This activity is reliant on Capture.js being installed correctly.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Title | Text | The title of the product. |
Inventory quantity | Number | The inventory quantity of the product back in stock. |
Variant title | Text | The title of the variant selected if applicable. |
SKU | Text | The product SKU. |
Device | Text | The device used by the customer. e.g. Desktop. |
Vendor | Text | The product vendor. |
Collections | List (array of items) | A list of the collections the product belongs to. |
Tags | List (array of items) | The tags related to the product. |
Price | Currency | The price of an individual product ordered. Does not take into account quantity. |
Weight | Number | The weight of the item. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Waiting on stock
The waiting on stock activity is generated by Ortto when a user requests to be notified when an item is back in stock. This activity requires Capture.js to be installed (be default it happens automatically) on your Shopify store and you to have switched on the "Waiting on stock" widget.
NOTE: By default, Waiting on stock activity data is retained for 90 days. By enabling data retention for the Shopify data source, you can extend the retention period for Waiting on stock. This will enable you to access a longer period of data to trigger a Back in stock notification for customers (such as via a journey or SMS campaign).
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Title | Text | The title of the product. |
Variant title | Text | The title of the variant selected if applicable. |
SKU | Text | The product SKU. |
Device | Text | The device used by the customer. e.g. Desktop, Mobile. |
Vendor | Text | The product vendor. |
Price | Currency | The price of an individual product ordered. Does not take into account quantity. |
Collections | List (array of items) | A list of the collections the product belongs to. |
Tags | List (array of items) | The tags related to the product. |
Inventory quantity | Number | The inventory quantity of the item waiting on stock. |
Weight | Number | The weight of the item waiting on stock. |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Product URL | Link | The URL of the item waiting on stock. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Created customer
This activity occurs when a new customer is created in Shopify.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Customer ID | Number | The ID of the customer. |
The email of the customer. | ||
Phone | Text | The phone number of the customer. |
First name | Text | The customer's first name. |
Last name | Text | The customer's last name. |
State | Text | The state of the customer (Enabled, Disabled, etc). |
Note | Long text | This is the note (if any) associated with the customer. |
Orders count | Number | The number of orders associated with the customer. |
Last Order ID | Number | The ID of the last order. |
Last order name | Text | The name of the last order. |
Total spent | Currency | The cumulative amount of money a customer has spent on purchases from the store. |
Accepts email marketing | Boolean | This field indicates whether a customer has opted in to receive promotional emails from the store. |
Accepts SMS marketing | Boolean | This field indicates whether a customer has opted in to receive promotional SMSs from the store. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags associated with the customer. |
Default address | Long text | The customer's default address. |
Created at | Time and date | The date and time when a customer’s account was first created in the store. |
Updated at | Time and date | The date and time when a customer’s account was last updated in the store. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Updated customer
This activity occurs when a customer is updated in Shopify.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Customer ID | Number | The ID of the customer. |
The email of the customer. | ||
Phone | Text | The phone number of the customer. |
First name | Text | The customer's first name. |
Last name | Text | The customer's last name. |
State | Text | The state of the customer (Enabled, Disabled, etc). |
Note | Long text | This is the note (if any) associated with the customer. |
Orders count | Number | The number of orders associated with the customer. |
Last Order ID | Number | The ID of the last order. |
Last order name | Text | The name of the last order. |
Total spent | Currency | The cumulative amount of money a customer has spent on purchases from the store. |
Accepts email marketing | Boolean | This field indicates whether a customer has opted in to receive promotional emails from the store. |
Accepts SMS marketing | Boolean | This field indicates whether a customer has opted in to receive promotional SMSs from the store. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags associated with the customer. |
Default address | Long text | The customer's default address. |
Created at | Time and date | The date and time when a customer’s account was first created in the store. |
Updated at | Time and date | The date and time when a customer’s account was last updated in the store. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Created draft order
This activity occurs when a new draft order is created in Shopify.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in draft order. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the order. |
Total line item price | Currency | The price of all of the line item prices added together. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in the order. |
Created at | Time and date | The date and time when the order was first created in the store. |
Updated at | Time and date | The date and time when the order was last updated in the store. |
Completed at | Time and date | The date and time when the order was marked as completed. |
Invoice sent at | Time and date | The date and time when the invoice was sent. |
Invoice URL | Link | The URL of the invoice associated with the order. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the draft order. |
Subtotal price | Currency | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. |
Shipping price | Currency | This is the cost of shipping. |
Total discount | Currency | The total discount applied. |
Total tax | Currency | This is the total tax of the order. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |
Updated draft order
This activity occurs when a draft order is updated in Shopify.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Currency | Text | The currency used. |
Collections | List (array of items) | This is a list of the collections relevant to items in draft order. |
Item count | Number | The total number of items. |
Line item names | List (array of items) | This is a list of items in the order. |
Total line item price | Currency | The price of all of the line item prices added together. |
Tags | List (array of items) | This is a list of all the tags related to items in the order. |
Created at | Time and date | The date and time when the order was first created in the store. |
Updated at | Time and date | The date and time when the order was last updated in the store. |
Completed at | Time and date | The date and time when the order was marked as completed. |
Invoice sent at | Time and date | The date and time when the invoice was sent. |
Invoice URL | Link | The URL of the invoice associated with the order. |
Total price | Currency | This is the total price of the draft order. |
Subtotal price | Currency | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips. |
Shipping price | Currency | This is the cost of shipping. |
Total discount | Currency | The total discount applied. |
Total tax | Currency | This is the total tax of the order. |
Country | Geo | The country of the customer. |
Region | Geo | The region of the customer. |
City | Geo | The city of the customer. |