HubSpot person fields

HubSpot contacts are merged into your customer data platform (CDP) on the initial connection with HubSpot.

Working with HubSpot contacts

You can view or filter your HubSpot contacts in your CDP on the People page.

Customize the field visibility and add HubSpot fields by clicking the cog icon, then select or clear the fields you want to show or hide.

Apply filters using the HubSpot person fields or activities to view the HubSpot contacts in your people list who match the filter criteria. Learn more about HubSpot activities under HubSpot activities and attributes.

To filter people by the HubSpot person fields:

  1. On the the People page, click Filter.
  2. Select HubSpot person, then select the fields to wish to use as filter conditions.
  3. Click done.

Learn more about creating filters under Working with filters.

Person fields added from HubSpot

This table lists the HubSpot person fields that are added to your Ortto account after integrating Ortto with HubSpot.




Portal ID

Text (string)

The numeric ID for the HubSpot customer portal with which the contact is associated.

Object ID

Text (string)

The unique identifier for the HubSpot person object.

Object type ID

Text (string)

The unique identifier for the HubSpot object type.

Object name

Text (string)

The name of the HubSpot object.

Contact ID

Text (string)

The unique identifier for the HubSpot contact.



The HubSpot contact’s primary email address.

Contact: Average Pageviews

Number (integer)

The contact’s average pageviews per session.

Contact: Became a Customer Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Customer.

Contact: Became a Marketing Qualified Lead Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Marketing Qualified Lead.

Contact: Became a Sales Qualified Lead Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Sales Qualified Lead.

Contact: Became a Subscriber Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Subscriber.

Contact: Became an Evangelist Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Evangelist.

Contact: Became an Opportunity Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Opportunity.

Contact: Became an Other Lifecycle Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Other.

Contact: Became a Lead Date

Time and date

The date that the contact’s lifecycle stage changed to Lead.

Contact:Buying Role


The role that the contact plays during the sales process.

Contact: Close Date

Time and date

The date that the contact became a Customer.

Contact: Company size

Text (string)

The contact’s company size.

Contact: Date of birth

Text (string)

The contact’s date of birth.

Contact: Days To Close

Number (integer)

The number of days that elapsed from when the contact was created until they closed as a customer.

Contact: Degree

Text (string)

The contact’s educational degree.

Contact: Domain to which registration email was sent

Text (string)

The domain to which the registration invitation email for content membership was sent.

Contact: Email address quarantine reason

Single select

Indicates that the current email address has been quarantined for anti-abuse reasons.

Contact: Email hard bounce reason

Single select

The last reason why an email hard bounced for the contact.

Contact: Event Revenue

Number (integer)

Event revenue set on the contact using HubSpot’s events tool.

Contact: Field of study

Text (string)

The contact’s field of study.

Contact: First Conversion

Text (string)

The first landing page and form the contact submitted on.

Contact: First Conversion Date

Time and date

The date the contact first submitted a form.

Contact: First Deal Created Date

Time and date

The create date of the first deal the contact is associated to.

Contact: First marketing email reply date

Time and date

The date of the most recent reply for any marketing email.

Contact: First marketing email open date

Time and date

The date of the earliest email open for any marketing email.

Contact: First Referring Site

Text (string)

The first website that referred the contact to your website.

Contact: Gender

Text (string)

The contact’s gender.

Contact: HubSpot Score

Number (integer)

The number that shows qualification of contacts to sales readiness based on the criteria set in HubSpot’s lead scoring tool.

Contact: Job Title

Text (string)

The contact’s job title.

Contact: Klout Score

Number (integer)

The Klout value of a contact’s influence on social media platforms.

Contact: Last Touch Converting Campaign

Text (string)

The name based on the campaign ID responsible for the last touch creation of the contact.

Contact: Last marketing email reply date

Time and date

The date of the most recent reply for any marketing email.

Contact: Last Referring Site

Text (string)

The last website that referred the contact to your website.

Contact: Latest Source

Single select

The source of the most recent interaction a contact had with your business.

Contact: Latest Source Drill-Down 2

Text (string)

Additional information about the most recent source for the last interaction the contact had with your business.

Contact: Lead Rating

Single select

The value of a contact as a lead.

Contact: Marketing emails replied

Number (integer)

The count of marketing emails the contact has replied to.

Contact: Number of Employees

Single select

The number of company employees.

Contact: Original Source

Single select

The first known source through which the contact interacted with your business.

Contact: Original Source Drill-Down 2

Text (string)

Additional information about the source through which the contact first interacted with your business.

Contact: Predictive Lead Score

Number (integer)

The value assigned to an open contact to determine the probability they will close as customers within 90 days.

Contact: Preferred language

Single select

The contact’s preferred language.

Contact: Registered At

Time and date

The date at which the contact set up their content membership.

Contact: Time registration email was sent

Time and date

The date when the registration email was sent to the contact.