Autopilot: Customize 'From Name', 'From Email' and 'Reply-to Email'
From Name
You can customize the 'From Name' field to be anything you like, it is simply a matter of personal preference:
From Email and Reply-to Email
How the 'From Email' field works depends on whether you have setup a custom email domain.
If you haven't yet setup a custom email domain:
- by default Autopilot will send email from a pre-assigned domain name (i.e.; and
- anything you enter in the 'From Email' field will be used, by default, as the 'Reply-to' email address (i.e. the email won'tfrom that address, but when people click reply, it will insert what you entered in the 'From Email' field. This ensures you receive replies to any emails you send).
To demonstrate, here is a screenshot from Gmail of the final output:

If you have setup a custom email domain the email will actually come from the address you specify in the 'From Email' field, as long as it uses the domain you've configured. If you don't use the same domain it will just be inserted into the 'Reply-to' field.
To demonstrate, here is a screenshot from Gmail of the final output. In my case I have setup Autopilot to send from my domain:

In both cases (i.e. regardless of whether or not you've setup a custom domain) you can change the 'Reply-to' email to something other than the default (i.e. the 'From Email') by following the steps below and then publishing the email:
Please note, however, that if you've enabled reply tracking on an email, this field will not be used.
Customizing 'From Name', 'From Email' and 'Reply-to Email' using variables and fallbacks
You can also use custom variables and fallbacks in the 'From Name', 'From Email' and 'Reply-to' fields. Note, however, that if you're connected to Salesforce, you may wish to use the 'Send from lead owner' functionality (see below), as it requires less setup.
Let's take a look at an example where I have custom fields for my contacts that contain the name and email address of the person responsible for them, called 'Custom Owner Name' and 'Custom Owner Email'.
You'll see below I've put them into 'From Name' and 'From Email', with fallbacks in the event that the contact doesn't have a value in those fields:
So for this contact, who has a value in both of these fields:
The email they receive will look like this:

If you're inserting a custom variable, consider using the variable control (demonstrated here) to insert it into the body, and then cut and paste it into the 'From Name' or 'From Email' field, to ensure that you have formatted it correctly.
For example, variables with spaces in them (e.g --First Name--) need to keep those spaces in them. However, note that capitalization doesn't matter. So you could type --first name-- and it will still work.
Note that you can also customize the 'Reply-to Email' field using variables and fallbacks by following the same process described above.
Customizing the From Name and From Email using Salesforce Lead Owner
You can also customize the 'From Name' and 'From Email' using the 'Send from Salesforce owner' option on the Send Email action. Note that you need to be connected to Salesforce to use this feature:

When you check this box, if the contact has a lead owner in Salesforce, the 'From Name' and 'From Email' will be replaced with the lead owner's name and email. If they don't have a Salesforce owner (or aren't synced with Salesforce) the email will be sent from the name and address specified in the email settings.
Please note that this setting will not be honored in test sends.