Troubleshooting test email sends


If you're not receiving test emails from Ortto, follow these steps to improve deliverability and resolve potential blocks.

If the issue continues, it may be due to internal restrictions on your custom domain. In that case, your IT team may need to investigate further.

Adding to your address book

To make sure you receive all Ortto emails, add to your address book. This helps prevent emails from being marked as spam or blocked.

Allowlist your Sending IPs Allowlisting specific IP addresses can improve email deliverability. New accounts should allowlist:


While this may help with internal deliverability, IP assignments can change. If you need a static IP, contact Support about adding a Custom IP to your account.

NOTE: If you're still having trouble after trying these steps or use a custom IP address, our Support team is here to help! Email us at or submit a support ticket from your account.