What happens when delay and filter shapes are modified


A relative delay shape lets you make contacts wait for a specific period during their journey. You can set delays in minutes, hours, or days before contacts continue.

A filter shape lets you make contacts wait until the criteria you specify are met, or until they’ve waited for a specified amount of time.

Find out how these shapes work when they are modified with contacts waiting.

Modifying delay shapes

Increasing delay shape time

When you extend the wait time, it will be updated for existing contacts, factoring in the time they’ve already waited.


  1. Initial wait time: 5 minutes.
  2. Contact has been waiting for: 2 minutes.
  3. New wait time: 10 minutes.

Result: The contact will now wait for 8 minutes since it has already spent 2 minutes in the shape.

Decreasing delay shape time

When you reduce the wait time, it will be updated for existing contacts based on the time they’ve already waited.


  1. Initial wait time: 10 minutes.
  2. Contact has been waiting for: 2 minutes.
  3. New wait time: 5 minutes.

Result: The contact will now wait for 3 minutes since it has already spent 2 minutes in the shape.

IMPORTANT: Contacts may move straight to the next step if they meet the new criteria.

NOTE: To see the new changes, make sure to publish your Journey. If you don't, the old conditions will still apply.

Modifying filter shape conditions

When you change the filter conditions, they will apply to existing contacts waiting in that shape.


  1. Initial condition: Tag is active.
  2. New condition: Clicked email has occurred.

Result: The system will check if the waiting contacts match the new condition (Clicked email has occurred) and if so, they will proceed to the next shape.

Filter shape example.

IMPORTANT: Contacts may move straight to the next step if they meet the new criteria.

NOTE: To see the new changes, make sure to publish your Journey. If you don't, the old conditions will still apply.