Filter conditions
The filter conditions available depends on the category (and fields within that category) you choose, which could be based on audience, person, organization (if enabled), a data source integration, or a specific activity a person has been involved with.
The filter conditions available in each category are listed below.
NOTE: For filter conditions that return results from a specified last number of days, or a When type condition (in the last, more than, exactly), the time calculated is day-based, not hour-based. For example, in the last 1 day means from 12:00 AM this morning until 11.59 PM tonight, not from 24 hours ago until now.
- All categories:
- is
- is not
- starts with
- ends with
- contains
- does not contain
- has no value
- has any value.
NOTE: The has any value filter option will return results that have a value of 0
or ""
. Learn more about empty values.
- Person and Organization categories:
- occurs in less than — returns results for the future (e.g. occurs in less than 2 days). If you choose:
- 0 or 1 day ago, this includes the current day only.
- Another number of days, this means from the current day until the specified number of days in the future (e.g. from today until 2 days' time).
- occurs in — returns results for one specific day in the future (e.g. occurs in 2 days' time). If you choose:
- 0 days, this includes the current day only.
- Another number of days, this means for the specified day only in the future (e.g. in exactly 3 days' time).
- occurs in more than — returns results for the future (e.g. occurs in more than 2 days' time). If you choose:
- 0 days, this includes the current day and all future days.
- Another number of days, this means from the specified day and all future days (e.g. in 2 days' time and beyond).
- anniversary — results match the time frame you specify for the chosen field. For example, if a person was created in your CDP 2 days ago and you choose anniversary will occur in 363 days, that person will show as a match for the filter criteria.
- age is exactly
- age is more than
- age is less than
- between
- greater than
- is true — results match the boolean value of "true", such as if a person has opted-in to receive emails (email permission is true).
- is false — results match the boolean value of "false", such as people who have not opted-in to receive SMS (SMS permission is false).
- Person, Organization and activities:
- after
- on
- before
- more than — returns results from the past (e.g. more than 2 days ago) or how many times an activity occurred (e.g. more than 1 time). If you choose:
- 0 days ago, this includes the current day and all days prior.
- Another number of days ago, this means from the specified day and all days prior.
- less than — returns results from the past (e.g. less than 2 days ago) or how many times an activity occurred (e.g. less than 3 times). If you choose:
- 0 or 1 day ago, this includes the current day only.
- Another number of days ago, this means from the specified days ago until and including the current day.
- exactly — returns results from the past (e.g. exactly 30 days ago) or how many times an activity occurred (e.g. exactly 3 times). If you choose:
- 0 days ago, this includes the current day only.
- Another number of days ago, this means from the specified number of days in the past only (e.g. the 30th day ago, or "1 day ago" would mean yesterday only).
- Activities only:
- has occurred
- If you select has occurred and do not specify a Where condition, the filter will return matches for all time.
- If you select has occurred with a Where condition, the filter will return matches from within the last 90 days only (unless you use data retention).
- has not occurred
- If you select has not occurred and do not specify a Where clause, the filter will return matches for all time (that is, the activity did not occur).
- If you select has not occurred with a Where clause, the filter will return matches from within the last 90 days only (unless you use data retention). It is possible that the activity occurred, but more than 90 days ago.
- in the last — results occurred in the specified time frame (e.g. in the last 30 days).
- 0 or 1 day ago, this includes the current day only.
- Another number of days ago, this means the current day and the specified number of days prior (e.g. in the last 7 days).
The activity filter conditions are found under the nested condition options:
- Has or has not occurred
- First occurred
- Last occurred
- Frequency & time
- Occurs.
Learn more about using nested conditions under Create a filter using nested conditions.
Below are examples of how the time conditions include or exclude the specified days.