Autopilot: Download sample HTML email templates
Not already using Autopilot? Take a 30 day free trial and start sending personalized, targeted emails today. Autopilot includes a drag-and-drop email editor that allows you to build beautiful, mobile responsive email templates.

Sample responsive HTML email templates
You can download our free sample mobile responsive templates below. They include Autopilot's editable tags. Note that in some browsers you may need to right click and choose "Download Linked File" or "Save Link As" (depending on your browser):
You can modify these templates and then upload and send them via Autopilot. However, please note that altering these templates may affect their mobile responsiveness on mobile. Autopilot is not able to provide support for these templates once they have been altered.
If you're new to HTML, we recommend downloading Sublime for PC or Mac. You can then open the HTML file and edit it.
Not familiar with HTML? Try the Advanced Editor
If you want to create completely custom, responsive and beautiful emails with no coding, we recommend using our Advanced Editor.