Autopilot: What is a dedicated IP and how do I purchase one?

By default, all Autopilot accounts send email from what are referred to as "pooled" IPs. This means that users are grouped together based on their email deliverability performance to send from the same shared IP. There are some benefits to pooled IPs; for example, you can benefit from a positive reputation already established by other users.

However, if you wish to take full control over your deliverability, you can purchase a dedicated IP (sometimes referred to as a "custom IP"). This provides:

  • more control over your individual sender reputation;
  • automatic warm-up plan to establish a positive reputation; and
  • blacklist monitoring and help when you need it from our expert email deliverability team.

We recommend purchasing a dedicated IP if you plan on sending around 50,000 emails a month or more on average.

How do I purchase a dedicated IP?

Custom IPs can be added to your subscription from the Plan and Billing Page.

NOTE: If unsure, reach out to Support first to verify if your sending practices would benefit from a Custom IP.

  • Select your account name bottom left hand corner of the platform
  • Select Plan & billing
  • Select Update plan
  • Select "Select add-on"
  • Select Custom IP
  • Select Continue and finish the checkout requirements.

NOTE: If the option to purchase a Custom IP is not available, you may not be on a plan that allows this feature as an add-on. Reach out to Support for further assistance.

Can I purchase more than one dedicated IP?

Yes, simply enter the quantity of IPs you need when changing your subscription.

I don't see the option to purchase a dedicated IP

If you're on legacy pricing and would like to purchase a dedicated IP please get in touch with our support team who can assist you.

I purchased a dedicated IP but don't see it displayed in Settings

Currently we do not display dedicated IPs in Settings. If you would like to confirm your current dedicated IPs please get in touch with our support team who can provide that information to you and answer any other related questions.