Viewing and editing a capture widget

The capture widget details page enables you to see the targeting configuration, appearance, reporting, and the details of audiences and activities for users who have been shown, interacted with or dismissed the capture widget.

You can edit a capture widget from the capture widget details page to configure the targeting, content, and style.

View capture widget details

The capture widget details view is divided into two sides:

  • on the right are details on the capture widget’s performance, which in addition to the Design view, includes:
  • on the left is the targeting configuration panel, which enables you to configure:
    • Show widget,
    • When,
    • Where,
    • Who, and
    • Frequency.

To view a capture widgets details:

  1. On the Capture widgets page, click on the capture widget to open the capture widget details.
  2. Click X to exit the capture widget details page.


The Audience tables shows the audiences for the people who have been shown the capture widget.

On this page you can Search the audiences, Download the results, and use the Shown widget drop down choice to change the results to show the audiences for the users who have been shown, interacted with, or dismissed the capture widget.

The options included on the Shown widget drop down are responsive to the content components used for the capture widget.


The Report details the performance of the capture widget, showing totals for the number of times the capture widget is shown, the engagement rate, the conversions, and the conversion rate over a specified period of time.

Adjust the reporting time period by selecting from one of the options on the Last 30 days drop-down.

The information shown on the report page is responsive to the components used for the capture widget. The two main metrics are Conversions and Engagement.

  • Engagement: A positive interaction with the capture widget. The following actions are considered engagement:
    • Clicking a hyperlinked button.
    • Clicking hyperlinked text.
    • Clicking a button with one of the following actions: Go to URL, Go to next step, Send email, Download file, or Accept cookies.
  • Conversions: When attribution is enabled and an activity is attributed to the capture widget.

In the example above, a conversion would be counted for this capture widget if a contact triggered the Added to cart activity after seeing or engaging with the capture widget. You can change the touch trigger between shown and engaged.

Learn more about attribution for capture widgets.

TIP: Add a column to show the Engagement and Engagement Rate directly on the Capture overview page so that this information appears for all your capture widgets along with other relevant metrics. Take a look at the GIF below to see how you can do this.

Geo-tracking on the IP address allows Ortto to give visibility on the location of the website user when someone engages with the capture widget. The Geo-tracking data is displayed pictorially on a global map for interactions with the capture widget.


The Activity report provides a list of user activities associated with the widget as an outcome of showing, user interaction or cancelling the capture widget.

The activities can be filtered by choosing the Filter activity drop down to gain insight on a specific activity related to the capture widget.

Configure a capture widget

You can edit the capture widget configuration to modify its content components and appearance, and to specifically target where, when, and how the capture widget appears for your users. Learn more about configuring a capture widget.