About email campaign reactions

In the past email metrics were relegated to opens and clicks. But just because someone opened and clicked on your campaign doesn’t mean they like it. Reactions give you an entirely new email metric that we call sentiment. Sentiment will tell you if subscribers are Positive, Neutral or Negative on your email campaign content.

There are several benefits to reactions and sentiment:

  • Get constant feedback on your email campaigns beyond open and click metrics;
  • Dramatically reduce unsubscribe rates - people often choose to react negatively as opposed to unsubscribe giving you a chance to improve your content; and
  • Stay motivated with positive feedback about your content.

Reactions are on by default when you create a new email campaign.

Reactions are shown in the email footer, like so:

When the subscriber clicks on a reaction they are taken to a hosted page:

This hosted page is controlled via your brand book settings. We record their initial reaction and then give them a window of time to change it and leave a comment before recording the result in the email campaign report.

You can see the reaction report when you view a sent campaign. The report looks like this:

How overall reaction sentiment is calculated

Overall sentiment displayed on the Reactions report is determined by the number of positive responses (Love and Like) compared to the number of negative responses (Dislike and Angry). Neutral (OK) responses are ignored in calculating the overall sentiment.

If there were more positives than negatives, the overall sentiment will be positive. On the flip side, if there were more negatives than positives, the overall sentiment will be negative.

If the email receives only neutral (OK) responses, the overall sentiment will be neutral.

In the example report above, the overall sentiment is positive because there are more positive responses than negative responses. The percentage of the overall sentiment is calculated as follows:

Overall positive sentiment percentage calculation

(Total positive responses) / (Total negative responses + Total positive responses)

Overall negative sentiment percentage calculation

(Total negative responses) / (Total negative responses + Total positive responses)

If only neutral (OK) responses , then:

Sentiment = neutral

Ratio = 100%

The emoji displayed beside the overall sentiment is determined as follows:

  • Love face = positive sentiment and >= 80% ratio
  • Like face = positive sentiment and < 80% ratio
  • Neutral face = neutral sentiment
  • Dislike face = negative sentiment and < 80% ratio
  • Angry face = negative sentiment and >= 80% ratio

How to turn reactions off

If you don’t want reactions to be included in the email campaign, you can deselect the checkbox in the email setup.

Reactions can only be disabled (or enabled) at an individual campaign level and currently cannot be disabled globally for all email campaigns (account-wide).