Viewing an email campaign
An email's view provides all data related to an email campaign, including design details, audience, metrics, and activity. This article explains how you can view and manage an email campaign.
How to view an email campaign
To view an email campaign, navigate to Marketing > Campaigns > Select your email.
Actions when viewing an email
On the left side of the email view, you'll find the Email details panel:
- Resend (if Open rate optimization wasn’t selected in setup).
- Duplication.
- Archive.
- Download an HTML file of the email content.
- Send test emails.
- Share preview links externally.
On the right side of the email view, you'll see:
Email details panel
The email details panel on the left hand side of the email view contains:
The option to resend:
You can resend an email to subscribers who didn’t open the original send. This also includes subscribers marked as Invalid due to reaching the Email prevention limit.
Resend details:
- Availability: The option to resend is only available if Open rate optimization was not selected in the original campaign setup. The option appears 24 hours after the initial email campaign setup. and remains available for 30 days.
- Single use: You can resend an email only once. Once you have done so, the Resend button will no longer appear.
- Scheduling: When you click Resend, you can set a scheduled time. If you cancel the resend, the option will still be available as long as it falls within the 30-day window.
- Subject line: You’ll have the option to use the original subject line or create a new one for the resend.
- If Open rate optimization was selected in the initial setup, you can still cancel the automatic resend and initiate a manual resend after 24 hours.
- To protect your deliverability and reputation, contacts who bounced in the original send will automatically be excluded from the automatic resend.

- This creates a copy of the email campaign, which can be used like a template. You can duplicate the email by going to More > Duplicate.
- Archiving a campaign removes the ability to view and filter audience activity under the Audience tab. The activity remains stored in your CDP and can still be accessed under the Activity tab, though an audience overview won’t be provided.
- After archiving, you can choose to Restore or Delete the campaign.
Send test:
- This option lets you send a copy of the email in its current draft form to one or more recipients. Available only for emails with a DRAFT status.
Share link:
- This option allows you to share a preview of the email in its current draft form with an external user. The link can be viewed by anyone who has it and remains valid for 24 hours before expiring.
- To enable, go to More > Share link and turn Link Sharing ON. Once shared, you can turn Link Sharing OFF to deactivate the link if needed (it will then expire).
Example showing the options to turn link sharing ON / OFF.
- Displays the audience name with a link to the audience view and also shows the number of valid subscribers.
- Shows the user who created the email, along with send and edit dates, UTM tracking, and reaction statuses.
Open Rate Optimization:
- Appears if it was selected during the email campaign setup, or if the email has been manually resent. This section shows the resend date, any alternate subject line used, and the number of valid subscribers (those who didn’t open the first email but opened the resend).
The design tab allows you to toggle between desktop and mobile views of your email design. If you used Open Rate Optimization, you can switch between viewing the first send or resend (second) designs.
The audience table shows people associated with the campaign, based on their activity. You can filter the results by activity to see people associated with the different activities.
NOTE: If you used Open rate optimization, you can select whether to view activity for the first send or resend.
The report allows you to view key performance metrics for your campaign, with the option to download the report as a PDF, which will be sent to your Ortto account email.
NOTE: If Open rate optimization was used, you can choose to view metrics for either the initial send or the resend.
The Activity feed displays the latest activities related to people in your campaign audience.
You can filter this feed by selecting options in Filter activity to refine your view. Each person’s name is clickable, allowing you to view their profile, and you can click Show details under a name to see key campaign details associated with their activity.
NOTE: The Activity feed displays the most recent 1,000 entries of any type. Older activities will be removed as new ones are added.