Creating a new dashboard
To create a new Ortto dashboard:
- On the Dashboards page, drop down the dashboard selector and click New dashboard.
- Dashboards can be created from a template or from scratch.You can select a template based on a particular use case or data source integration as the basis to build your dashboard. You can also select previously Saved templates or choose from templates shared with you from another Ortto account under Shared with me.When you choose a template, click Use template to get started. If the template you selected uses data from a connected data source, you’ll need to choose the relevant accounts. Once selected, you can also rename the dashboard if needed.The remainder of these instructions will tell you how to create a dashboard from scratch.
- When you create a new dashboard from scratch it will appear blank until we add reports.
- First let’s name the dashboard. Click the dashboard selector and then click the edit icon next to the New dashboard we just created to give it a name.
- Now let’s add some reports. If you haven’t already created reports, learn how to create a report first. Click add reports and you will enter the customize mode and then click Add report.
- Select an existing report or create a new report.
- After selecting several reports you can arrange them by dragging and dropping them. Press done to save the changes.
- You’ve now successfully created your first dashboard.