Pipedrive activities and attributes
This page lists default and optional Pipedrive activities that are added to your Ortto account after integrating Ortto with Pipedrive when adding Pipedrive as a data source.
Activity created
Most of the default attributes within this activity are derived from Pipedrive, with others managed internally by Ortto or a part of its CDP.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Value | Currency | The Ortto conversion value used for attribution purposes, which could also include MRR and ARR. |
Country | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive task’s country of origin. |
Region | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s region. |
City | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s city of origin. |
Company | Text | The name of the company associated with the activity. |
User ID | Digits | The ID of the user associated with the activity. |
User | Text | The name of the user associated with the activity. |
Owner ID | Digits | The ID of the owner this activity is associated with. |
Owner | Text | The name of the owner associated with the activity. |
Organization ID | Digits | The ID of the organization the activity is associated with. |
Organization | Text | The name of the organization associated with the activity. |
Deal ID | Digits | The ID of the deal this activity is associated with. |
Deal | Text | The name of the deal associated with the activity. |
Person ID | Digits | The ID of the person the activity is associated with. |
Person | Text | The name of the person associated with the activity. |
Note | Text | The note of the activity (HTML format). |
Subject | Text | The subject of the activity. |
Type | Text | The type of the activity. |
Location | Text | The address of the activity. |
Done | Boolean | Identifies whether or not the activity is done. |
Duration | Text | The duration of the activity in HH:MM. |
Due | Time and date | The due time of the activity in HH:MM. |
Timezone | Single select | An internal timezone single select value set by Ortto representing the timezone of the HubSpot campaign. |
Deal created, Deal lost, Deal updated. Deal won
The deal activities are generated when a Pipedrive deal is created, updated, won or lost. Most of the default attributes within this activity are derived from Pipedrive, with others managed internally by Ortto or a part of its CDP.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Value | Currency | The Ortto conversion value used for attribution purposes, which could also include MRR and ARR. |
Country | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive task’s country of origin. |
Region | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s region. |
City | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s city of origin. |
Company | Text | The name of the company associated with the deal. |
Deal ID | Digits | The deal identifier. |
Title | Text | The title of the deal. |
Owner ID | Digits | The id of the owner associated with the deal. |
Owner | Text | The name of the owner associated with the deal. |
Person ID | Digits | The ID of the person associated with the deal. |
Person | Text | The name of the person associated with the deal. |
Organization ID | Digits | The ID of the organization associated with the deal. |
Organization | Text | The name of the organization associated with the deal. |
Stage ID | Digits | The ID of the stage the deal is at. |
Stage | Text | The name of the stage the deal is at. |
Pipeline ID | Digits | The ID of the pipeline associated with the deal. |
Pipeline | Text | The name of the pipeline associated with the deal. |
Status | Text | The deal’s status. |
Currency | Text | The currency of the deal as a 3-character code. |
Probability | Percent | The success probability percentage of the deal. |
Lost reason | Text | The optional message about why the deal was lost (to be used when |
Timezone | Single select | An internal timezone single select value set by Ortto representing the timezone of the HubSpot campaign. |
Note created
The note activity is generated when a Pipedrive note is created. Most of the default attributes within this activity are derived from Pipedrive, with others managed internally by Ortto or a part of its CDP.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Value | Currency | The Ortto conversion value used for attribution purposes, which could also include MRR and ARR. |
Country | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive task’s country of origin. |
Region | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s region. |
City | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s city of origin. |
Company | Text | The name of the company associated with the note. |
Deal ID | Digits | The id of the deal associated with the note. |
Deal | Text | The name of the deal associated with the note. |
Person ID | Digits | The ID of the person associated with the note. |
Person | Text | The name of the person associated with the note. |
Organization ID | Digits | The ID of the organization associated with the note. |
Organization | Text | The name of the organization associated with the note. |
Content | HTML | The note’s content. |
Created | Time and date | The note’s creation date in UTC, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
Timezone | Single select | An internal timezone single select value set by Ortto representing the timezone of the HubSpot campaign. |
Person created, Person updated
The person activities are generated when a Pipedrive person is created or updated. Most of the default attributes within this activity are derived from Pipedrive, with others managed internally by Ortto or a part of its CDP.
Attribute | Field type | Description |
Value | Currency | The Ortto conversion value used for attribution purposes, which could also include MRR and ARR. |
Country | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive task’s country of origin. |
Region | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s region. |
City | Geo | An internal geographical data object set by Ortto representing the Pipedrive tasks’s city of origin. |
Label | Single select | A label associated with a person’s data. |
Company | Text | The name of the company associated with the person. |
ID | Digits | The person’s ID. |
Name | Text | The person’s name. |
Owner ID | Digits | The ID of the owner associated with the person. |
Owner | Text | The name of the owner associated with the person. |
Organization ID | Digits | The ID of the organization associated with the person. |
Organization | Text | The name of the organization associated with the person. |
Marketing status | Text | Identifies the marketing permission the person has granted. Values can be: |
Created | Time and date | The date the person was created as a record. In UTC, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
Updated | Time and date | The date the person was last updated. In UTC, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
Timezone | Single select | An internal timezone single select value set by Ortto representing the timezone of the HubSpot campaign. |