Autopilot: Action - Send Segment Event
This action allows you to send custom events (i.e. a Track call) to Segment. Please connect Autopilot as a Segment Destination before using it.
Note that for email activities you can send these to Segment automatically by enabling Autopilot as a Segment Source.
How to Send a Segment Event From Autopilot
1. Add a trigger to your Journey and connect it to the Send Event action. Give the event a memorable name:
2. You can also send properties with the event. Property values can use variables from any contact field using "--" before a variable and after the variable:
How Segment Events Sent From Autopilot Handle Identify
By default when you send an event from Autopilot we will send an Identify call along with it:
analytics.identify({anonymousId: '',userId: '',traits: {Company: '',Email: '',FirstName: '',LastName: '',Name: '',bislrId: '',}});
If you wish to pass other custom information we recommend you do this via the event's properties as demonstrated above.
If you'd prefer not to send an Identify along with the event, you can turn it off in Advanced Options.
How Segment Events Sent From Autopilot Handle User ID
The User ID will be determined based on whether we've received an Identify or Track call for the contact in the past. If we have, we'll send out the User ID as it was provided to us in the most recent incoming call. Otherwise, if the contact has never passed through Autopilot, we will not send out a User ID; instead we will send the contact's email as the Anonymous ID.
If you'd prefer us to always send the contact's email as the User ID, regardless of what we've received in the past, please contact our support team who can arrange this for you.