Chargebee person fields


Chargebee contacts are merged into your customer data platform (CDP) on the initial connection with Chargebee.

Accessing Chargeebee person fields

Navigate to Settings > Customer data > Fields > Select All > Chargebee.

Working with Chargebee contacts

You can view and filter your Chargebee contacts on the People page in Ortto.

  • Click the cog icon to customize field visibility and add or remove Chargebee fields.
  • Use filters to find contacts based on Chargebee person fields or activities.

EX: To see all contacts created in Ortto via the Chargebee integration, go to the People page and filter for Initial source is Chargebee.

Example of filtering all contacts created via Chargebee.

How to filter by Chargebee fields:

  1. Go to the People page and click Filter.
  2. Select Chargebee person, then choose the fields to filter by.
  3. Click Done.

Learn more about Chargebee activities.

Learn more about creating filters.

Person fields added from Chargebee

This table lists the Chargebee person fields that are added to your Ortto account after integrating Ortto with Chargebee.






The email address of the Chargebee contact.

First name

Text (string)

The first name of the Chargebee contact.

Last name

Text (string)

The last name of the Chargebee contact

Customer ID

Text (string)

The Chargebee customer ID for the Chargebee contact.


Phone number object

The phone number of the Chargebee contact.


Text (string)

The company name of the Chargebee contact.

VAT number

Text (string)

The VAT/tax registration number for the Chargebee contact.

Auto collection

Text (string)

A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) payments need to be collected automatically for the Chargebee contact.

Offline payment method

Text (string)

The preferred offline payment method for the Chargebee contact.

Net term days

Number (integer)

The number of days within which the Chargebee contact has to make payment for the invoice.

VAT number validated time

Time and date

The recent VAT number validation time for the Chargebee contact.

VAT number status

Text (string)

The VAT validation status of the Chargebee contact. This is applicable if you have configured EU, UK or Australian taxes and the VAT number validation is enabled.

Allow direct debit


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the Chargebee contact can pay via Direct Debit.

Is location valid


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the Chargebee contact’s location is validated based on IP address and Card issuing country. If the location is valid, it returns True. If not, it returns False. Applicable only for EU, New Zealand and Australia

Created at

Time and date

Indicates when the Chargebee contact resource was created in Chargebee.

Created from IP

Text (string)

The IP address of the Chargebee contact.


Text (string)

Specifies if the Chargebee contact is liable for tax.

Entity code

Text (string)

The exemption category of the Chargebee contact, for USA and Canada. Applicable if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Sales integration.

Exempt number

Text (string)

Any string value that will cause a sale to be exempted. Chargebee recommends to use this if your finance team manually verifies and tracks exemption certificates. Applicable if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Sales integration.

Resource version

Number (integer)

Version number of the Chargebee resource. The resource_version is updated with a new timestamp in milliseconds for every change made to the resource. This field attribute will be present only if the resource has been updated after 2016-09-28.

Updated at

Time and date

Timestamp indicating when the Chargebee contact was last updated. This attribute will be present only if the resource has been updated after 2016-09-28.


Text (string)

Determines which region-specific language Chargebee uses to communicate with the Chargebee contact.

Billing date

Time and date

Indicates the Chargebee contact’s monthly and yearly subscription renewal date (if Chargebee calendar billing with billing date support is enabled).

Billing date mode

Text (string)

Indicates whether the Chargebee contact’s billing_date value is derived per the Chargebee account configurations or if it is specifically set (overriden). When specifically set, the billing_date will not be reset even when all of the monthly/yearly subscriptions are cancelled.

Billing day of week

Text (string)

Indicates the week day that renewals of all the Chargebee contact’s weekly subscriptions are set (if Chargebee calendar billing with billing date support is enabled).

Billing day of week mode

Text (string)

Indicates whether the Chargebee contact’s billing_day_of_week value is derived per the Chargebee configurations or if it is specifically set (overriden). When specifically set, the billing_day_of_week will not be reset even when all of the weekly subscriptions are cancelled.

PII cleared


Indicates whether the Chargebee contact’s personal information has been cleared.

Auto close invoices


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) to override for the Chargebee contact the Chargebee site-level setting for auto-closing invoices. Only applicable when auto-closing invoices has been enabled (in Chargebee).

Card status

Text (string)

The current status of the credit card connected to the Chargebee contact.

Fraud flag

Text (string)

Indicates whether or not the Chargebee contact has been identified as fraudulent.

Primary payment source ID

Text (string)

The primary payment source for the Chargebee contact.

Backup payment source ID

Text (string)

Backup payment source for the Chargebee contact. Used to collect payment if primary payment source fails.

Payment method type

Text (string)

The type of payment source for the Chargebee contact.

Payment method gateway

Text (string)

The name of the gateway the Chargebee contact’s payment method is associated with.

Payment method gateway account ID

Text (string)

The gateway account the Chargebee contact’s payment method is stored with.

Payment method status

Text (string)

The current status of the Chargebee contact’s payment source.

Payment method reference ID

Text (string)

The Chargebee contact’s payment method reference id.

Invoice notes

Text (string)

A Chargebee contact-facing note added to all invoices associated with this resource.

Preferred currency code

Text (string)

The currency code of the Chargebee contact’s preferred currency (ISO 4217 format). Applicable if Chargebee’s Multicurrency feature is enabled.

Promotional credits

Number (integer)

The promotional credits balance of the Chargebee contact.

Unbilled charges

Number (integer)

The total unbilled charges for the Chargebee contact.

Refundable credits

Number (integer)

The refundable credits balance of the Chargebee contact.

Excess payments

Number (integer)

The total unused payments associated with the Chargebee contact.

Is e-invoice enabled


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the Chargebee contact is e-invoiced. When set to true or not set to any value, the customer is e-invoiced so long as e-invoicing is enabled for their country. When set to false, the customer is not e-invoiced even if e-invoicing is enabled for their country.



A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the resource has been deleted.

Registered for GST


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the Chargebee contact is registered under GST. If set to true then the Reverse Charge Mechanism is applicable. This field is applicable only when Australian GST is configured.

Consolidated invoicing


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) invoices raised on the same day for the Chargebee contact are consolidated. When present, this value overrides the default Chargebee site-level configuration. This attribute is applicable only when Chargebee’s Consolidated Invoicing is enabled.

Customer type

Text (string)

Indicates the Chargebee contact type. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.

Business customer without VAT number


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) a Chargebee contact is a valid business without an EU/UK VAT number.

Client profile ID

Text (string)

Indicates the Client profile id for the Chargebee contact.

Relationship parent ID

Text (string)

The ID of the Chargebee contact who is a parent (in a Chargebee account hierarchy relationship).

Relationship payment owner ID

Text (string)

The ID of the Chargebee contact who pays the invoices for this contact. Can be the contact itself or the Relationship invoice owner ID.

Relationship invoice owner ID

Text (string)

The ID of the Chargebee contact who is invoiced for charges incurred. Can be the contact itself or any parent in its Chargebee account hierarchy.

Use default hierarchy settings


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the Chargebee site-default settings are being used for controlling access to the Chargebee contact’s information.

VAT number prefix

Text (string)

An overridden value for the first two characters of the full VAT number. Only applicable specifically for customers with billing address country as XI (which is United Kingdom - Northern Ireland).

Entity identifier scheme

Text (string)

The Peppol BIS scheme associated with the VAT number of the Chargebee contact.

Entity identifier standard

Text (string)

The standard used for specifying the Entity identifier_scheme. Currently only iso6523-actorid-upis is supported and is used by default when not provided.

Address First name

Text (string)

The first name of the Chargebee billing contact.

Address Last name

Text (string)

The last name of the Chargebee billing contact.

Address email

Text (string)

The Chargebee contact’s billing email address.

Address Company

Text (string)

The Chargebee contact’s company name.

Address phone

Text (string)

The Chargbee contact’s billing phone number.

Address Line 1

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s address, line 1.

Address Line 2

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s address, line 2.

Address Line 3

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s address, line 3.

Address city

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s city.

Address State code

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India.

Address State

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s state or province.

Address Country

Text (string)

The billing address country of the Chargebee contact, in ISO 3166-2 country code.

Address Zip

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s zip or postal code.

Address validation status

Text (string)

The Chargebee billing contact’s address verification status.