Adding people
Adding people to your Ortto account’s customer data platform (CDP) allows you to populate the CDP with more people records.
When people are added, you can include them in campaigns, audiences, and summarize their activities and attributes in reports.
You can add a single people using a form or multiple people by importing them from a spreadsheet (CSV) file or other data source.
Add a single person
- On the People page, click More > Add person.
- In the Add person form, populate the fields.
- Once you have completed the form, click OK. You will return to the People page and see a temporary message at the top of the screen confirming the new person has been added.
- The new entry you created will show at the top of the list of your people. By default, the list is ordered by most recent creation date.
- At minimum, you are required to populate the Email address field and select the I have permission to email this person checkbox. While you are not required to populate the First name, Last name, and Phone number fields, it is recommended you do so to ensure you have a complete entry for the person you are adding.
- If you populate the email and SMS fields, you are required to select the permission acknowledgment checkboxes for email and SMS. Selecting these checkboxes means that you are importing a person who has previously opted in to receive email and/or SMS communications from you.
- If you try to create a contact with an email address that already exists, a message will appear mentioning this. However, this is just a warning in case you don't want to create duplicates. If you still want to proceed, just click on "proceed" as shown in the screenshot below.
Add multiple people via a data source
- On the People page, click More > Import.
- On the New data source page, select Spreadsheet import, then click Get started.Follow the process for importing data from a spreadsheet (CSV) file, noting the prerequisites to prepare your CSV file before uploading it to Ortto.
- When the import is complete, you will see the CSV file listed on the Data sources page. Access the People page to see the new people entries you imported. By default, the data sources and people lists are ordered by most recent creation date.
NOTE: To configure a different data source integration, follow the instructions for each integration option under Configuring a new data source.