Filter errors

When creating a filter, if you see a red condition, it means that the condition requires a value or the operator/s you have chosen are not valid. If a condition is red, it has not yet filtered your results.

You may encounter the following error messages when using filters.

General filter errors

Error message

Correct this error…​

One of your conditions is empty and requires a value.

by clicking on the condition and selecting a value.

If your filter condition is red with no error message, or the error message doesn’t specify the cause of the error, you should check to see if your condition is missing a value, an operator is invalid, or clear the condition/s and start again.

Errors in playbooks and journeys

Error message

Correct this error…​

When using occurs conditions, you must use the "and" operator between condition groups.

by clicking the OR operator between the conditions to change it to AND.

When mixing occurs and non-occurs conditions within a condition group, you must use the "and" operator.

by clicking the OR operator in the condition group to change it to AND.

When your filter contains more than one occurs condition, you must use the "or" operator.

by clicking the AND operator in the condition group to change it to OR.

Non-occurs conditions can only be grouped with a single occurs condition.

by deleting one of the occurs conditions from the group. You can create a separate condition group, however you cannot select another occurs condition, so you may wish to choose has occurred.

In journeys and playbooks, only one condition group can contain an occurs condition. Should you have a filter that has more than one group with an occurs condition, you will need to delete one of the occurs conditions from one of the groups.

Errors in journeys

Error message

Correct this error…​

The entry activity does not have an [attribute name] attribute.

by specifying an activity attribute in the entry criteria that you want the exit criteria to match. You may need to change your chosen entry or exit activity to find matching attributes.

Matching attributes across activities is only available when 'people can be in the journey' is set to 'more than once, and enter multiple times'.

by selecting More than once, and enter multiple times under People can be in journey.

Matching attributes across activities is only available when using an occurs condition in the entry criteria.

by selecting an occurs condition under People enter when.