Creating a tracked form

The Tracked form is used to build a tracked form capture widget which will capture all the data that a person enters into a form submitted on your website.

This widget is suitable for users who have an existing form on their website, such as a bespoke form or one generated from a 3rd party application.


To create a tracked form in Ortto:

  1. Create a capture widget from scratch and under Widget types, select Tracked form.
  2. Enter a name for your form and the URL of the page where the form is located.
  3. Click Next and Ortto will find the form. You can click X to exit and the tracked form builder will run in the background.

When your tracked form has finished finding your form, you can complete the setup. You will see the Setup when the tracked form widget has finished building, or you can access it from the Capture page by clicking on the relevant tracked form.

  1. Under Setup:
    • Pages — If a form is located on multiple pages of your website you can select to capture submissions from all forms on your site or just those from a particular page.
    • Upon submission — Choose the response you want users to see when they submit your form, either following the existing form behavior (such as a confirmation message), or redirect to a URL you specify (such as a page on your website).
    • Required fields — Enable this feature if you only want to receive form submissions that contain data for specific fields, and specify your required fields.
  2. Click Next when you have completed the setup.
  3. Map the form fields to your Ortto CDP fields so that Ortto can identify the person who submitted the form as a person/contact in your CDP:
  4. Drag the relevant Ortto fields from the right-hand column to map the Form fields in the left-hand column.
  5. Once you have finished mapping fields, click Next to save your changes and see the completed tracked form widget.
  6. You can make further changes to the widget by clicking Edit under any of the configuration fields.

Once your tracked form widget is complete it can begin to capture data when a person completes a form submission. You can view form submission activities under Activities.


  • If you have multiple forms on your page, the widget will identify all of them, and you can select which one you wish to configure the widget for. Please ensure each form uses a unique set of field names so the form submissions can be distinguished from each other.
  • If you only have one form on the page you can proceed directly to the Pages section.


  • All form fields must be mapped to a field in Ortto (a system, data source or custom field). Form fields that are not mapped will be excluded from the form submission data.
  • Mapped fields must match the unique identifiers set in your account Settings > Customer data > Unique identifiers. For example, if you have the unique identifier for People set to Email and for Organizations set to Name, you will need to map these Ortto fields to your form fields.