How campaign statistics are calculated

Learn about how the statistics for campaigns, messages and notifications are calculated

The statistics you see on a campaign’s Report page, a journey shape’s preview and in a journey or playbook’s Messages tab tell you about the campaign and/or message status and performance.

Example journey shape preview stats

Example journey Messages tab with stats

Explore the tables below to learn how we calculate the statistics for:

IMPORTANT: A note concerning non-human interactions (or server opens/clicks). Non-human interactions caused by Apple's MPP service are currently included in report totals. Through our in-house testing, we have found that we cannot ignore these server opens without also ignoring real opens performed by recipients. Our deliverability team continues to monitor this situation, and we strive to present the most accurate data in consideration of mailbox provider configuration.

We do, however, ignore known machine opens for Google and Yahoo, as well as clicks that occur within 5 seconds of sending to a subscriber (for most browsers, 10 seconds for Internet Explorer 8), due to the low likelihood of accidentally suppressing organic interactions.

NOTE: Unique

In some of the following descriptions, you will see statistics referred to as unique. For email and SMS messages, and push notifications, each message/notification sent in a 24-hour window is given a unique identifier (a message ID). This enables us to calculate activities performed on a specific (unique) message or notification.

NOTE: Sent vs. delivered.

A Sent activity means that we successfully sent the message or notification (e.g. by calling our email service provider Sendgrid to send an email to the recipient’s email address). This may or may not result in the message or notification being delivered.

A Delivered activity means that we received confirmation from the email/SMS/push notification service provider that the message or notification was received.


This table describes the statistics shown in a journey at:

  • A message or notification shape’s preview
  • The Messages tab
  • The Report tab.

For information on additional message/notification statistics, refer to the relevant table (email, SMS or push notifications).




The amount of unique email or SMS messages or push notifications that were sent. 

A “send” is counted per unique message/notification sent per 24 hours. 

For example, a person enters a journey today and as a result is sent 1 email message. This counts as 1 send.

 If that person re-enters the journey today (in the same 24 hours as the previous entry) and is sent the same email message a second time (from the same email message shape), it will count as 2 sends. This is because even though the message content is the same, each send is unique, so it counts as 2 sends even though it is within the same 24-hour period.

This stat does not include messages sent where the send was invalid or bounced, or the person was not subscribed.

Opened / Open rate

The opened/open rate value reflects all message opens. However there is by default a 30-day uniqueness window for tracking opened message activity per unique message. This means that we track 1 open per message delivered in a 30-day window. 

So if a person opens the same message twice in a 30-day period, we will only count 1 open. If that person were to open the same message 31 days apart, it would count as 2 opens (1 per 30-day period). 

However, if a person is sent 2 email messages in a 30-day period and opens both, it will count as 2 opens. Even if the email messages contain the same content, and come from the same email message shape in the journey, each send is unique, so it counts as 1 open per message (a total of 2 opens).

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique opens / Messages delivered) * 100

Clicked / Clicked rate

The amount of unique messages or notifications that were clicked.

We only count 1 click per unique delivery. So if a person clicks a link in the same email message twice in a 24-hour period, we will only count 1 click (even if they click different links). If that person were to click a link in the same email message 2 days apart, it would count as 2 clicks (1 per 24 hours). 

However, if a person clicks a link in 2 separate email messages in a 24-hour period, it will count as 2 clicks. Even if the email messages contain the same content, and come from the same email message shape in the journey, each delivery is unique, so it counts as 1 click per message (a total of 2 clicks).

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.


  • Email & SMS: (Unique clicks / Messages delivered) * 100
  • Push notifications: (Unique clicks / Unique deliveries) * 100


The number of people who have arrived at the shape, but have not yet been sent the message/notification.


For an A/B tested message, the version which has the highest open rate, clicked rate, or total attributed revenue (per the test configuration).


For an A/B tested message, the count of people (within the test size) who have not received variant A or variant B of the test.


The number of people who entered the journey.

In journey

The number of people currently in the journey.


The number of people who have exited the journey.

Revenue / MRR / ARR

This is the total sum of revenue attributed to this campaign or message based on your attribution settings.

Other stats

See the email, SMS and push notifications tables for additional statistics.


This table describes the statistics shown in a playbook at:

  • The Messages tab
  • The Report tab.

For email message statistics, refer to the relevant table for more information.



Opened / Open rate

The opened/open rate value reflects all message opens. However there is by default a 30-day uniqueness window for tracking opened message activity per unique message. This means that we track 1 open per message delivered in a 30-day window. 

So if a person opens the same message twice in a 30-day period, we will only count 1 open. If that person were to open the same message 31 days apart, it would count as 2 opens (1 per 30 days). 

However, if a person is sent 2 email messages in a 30-day period and opens both, it will count as 2 opens. Even if the email messages contain the same content, and come from the same email message in the playbook (e.g. the person has entered the playbook twice in 30 days), each send is unique, so it counts as 1 open per message (a total of 2 opens).

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique opens / Emails delivered) * 100

Clicked / Click rate

The amount of unique email messages that were clicked.

We only count 1 click per unique delivery. So if a person clicks the same email message twice in a 24-hour period, we will only count 1 click. If that person were to click the same email message 2 days apart, it would count as 2 clicks (1 per 24 hours). 

However, if a person clicks 2 separate email messages in a 24-hour period, it will count as 2 clicks. Even if the email messages contain the same content, and come from the same email message in the playbook (e.g. the person has entered the playbook twice in 24 hours), each delivery is unique, so it counts as 1 click per message (a total of 2 clicks).

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique clicks / Emails delivered) * 100

Revenue / MRR / ARR

This is the total sum of revenue attributed to this campaign or message based on your attribution settings.


The number of people who entered the playbook.

In playbook

The number of people currently in the playbook.


The sum of people who have exited the playbook.


This table describes the statistics shown:

  • In an email campaign, at the Report tab.
  • In a journey containing an email message shape, at the Report tab, under Email summary.



Open rate / Opened

The opened/open rate value reflects all message opens. However there is by default a 30-day uniqueness window for tracking opened message activity per unique message. This means that we track 1 open per message delivered in a 30-day window.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique opens / Emails delivered) * 100

Click rate / Clicked

The amount of unique email messages that were clicked.

We only count 1 click per unique delivery. So if a person clicks the same email message twice in a 24-hour period, we will only count 1 click. If that person were to click the same email message 2 days apart, it would count as 2 clicks (1 per 24 hours). 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique clicks / Emails delivered) * 100

Conversions / Orders

The sum of activities attributed to the campaign where the attribution activity has a conversion value attribute. 

Conversion rate

The percentage of conversions attributed to the campaign or message.

Formula: (Conversions / Emails delivered) * 100

Revenue / MRR / ARR

This is the total sum of revenue attributed to the campaign or message based on your attribution settings.


The amount of successful sends for this email message.

This stat does not include messages sent where the send was invalid or bounced, or the person was not subscribed.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Emails sent / Invalid emails + Emails sent) * 100


The amount of successful deliveries. 

This stat does not include messages sent where the send was invalid or bounced.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Emails delivered / Emails sent) * 100

Last opened

The date and time the last subscriber opened the email.

Click-to-open rate

The percentage of unique email messages that were opened and the subscriber clicked inside.

Formula: (Unique clicks / Emails delivered) * 100

Viewed online

The amount of times this campaign was viewed using the “View online” link.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Emails viewed online / Emails delivered) * 100


The amount of subscribers who unsubscribed from all email.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Email unsubscribes / Emails delivered) * 100


The percentage of people for whom the send was invalid (e.g. there was an issue with the message content, a delivery issue, an unsubscribe activity, or the person’s phone number value was empty).

Displayed as a sum and a percentage. 

Formula: (Invalid emails / Invalid emails + Emails sent) * 100


The percentage of people for whom the send bounced (e.g. the message delivery was rejected by the SMS provider). 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage. 

Formula: (Bounced emails / Emails delivered) * 100

Last clicked

The date and time the last subscriber clicked a link.


The amount of forwards of this email using the “Forward” feature.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage. 

Formula: (Forwarded emails / Emails delivered) * 100


The overall sentiment (positive or negative) of the email based on reactions.

Positive formula: (Positive responses / ((Positive responses + Negative responses) * 10000) ) / * 10000

Negative formula: (Negative responses / ((Positive responses + Negative responses) * 10000) ) / * 10000

A breakdown of each reaction option’s stats is available further down the Report tab, under Reactions.

Spam complaints

People who lodged a spam complaint for the email sent.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage. 

Formula: (Spam complaints / Emails delivered) * 100


People who reacted to the email using the reaction widget.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage. 

Formula: (Email reactions / Emails delivered) * 100


This table describes the statistics shown:

  • In an SMS campaign, at the Report tab.
  • In a journey containing an SMS message shape, at the Report tab, under SMS summary.




The amount of successful sends for this SMS message.

This stat does not include messages sent where the send was invalid, bounced, or deferred.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (SMS sent / Invalid SMS + SMS sent * 100)

Delivered / Delivery rate

The amount of successful deliveries for this SMS message.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (SMS delivered / SMS sent) * 100

Clicked / Click rate

Delivered SMS messages where there is a click. 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique clicks / SMS delivered) * 100


People who responded to the confirmation widget.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Confirmations / SMS delivered) * 100

Responded to survey 

The amount of people who responded to the SMS survey.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Survey responses / SMS delivered) * 100

Response rate

The percentage of people who responded to a particular widget (survey or confirmation).

Survey formula: (Survey responses / SMS delivered) * 100

Confirmation formula: (Confirmations / SMS delivered) * 100


The amount of subscribers who unsubscribed from all SMS.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Opted out of SMS / SMS delivered) * 100


The amount of people for whom the send was invalid. 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: ( Invalid SMS / SMS sent + Invalid SMS) * 100


The amount of people for whom the send bounced (e.g. the message delivery was rejected by the SMS provider). 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: ( Bounced SMS / SMS delivered + Bounced SMS) * 100


People who replied to the SMS message. 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (SMS replies / SMS delivered) * 100


The amount of people for whom the send was deferred (e.g. the message delivery was temporarily refused by the SMS provider). 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Deferred SMS / SMS delivered) * 100

Converted / Orders

The number of activities attributed to the campaign or message where the attribution activity has a conversion value attribute. 

Conversion rate

The percentage of conversions attributed to this campaign or message.

Formula: (Conversions / SMS delivered) * 100

Revenue / MRR / ARR

This is the total sum of revenue attributed to this campaign or message based on your attribution settings.

Push notifications

This table describes the statistics shown:

  • In a push campaign, at the Report tab.
  • In a journey containing a push notification shape, at the Report tab, under Push notification summary.



Unique sends

The amount of successful unique push notification sends.

A “send” is counted per unique notification sent per 24 hours. 

This stat does not include messages sent where the send was invalid or bounced, or the person was not subscribed.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique sends / (Unique sends + Unique invalid sends)) * 100

Delivered / Delivery rate

The amount of successful unique push notification deliveries. 

A “delivery” is counted per unique notification delivered per 24 hours. 

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique deliveries / Unique sends) * 100

Revenue / MRR / ARR

This is the total sum of revenue attributed to the campaign or notification based on your attribution settings.

Converted / Orders

The sum of activities attributed to the campaign or notification where the attribution activity has a conversion value attribute. 

Conversion rate

The percentage of conversions attributed to this campaign or notification.

Formula: (Conversions / Unique deliveries ) * 100

Clicked / Click rate

The amount of unique notification deliveries where there is a click. 

We only count 1 click per unique delivery. So if a person clicks the same notification twice in a 24-hour period, we will only count 1 click.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique clicks / Unique deliveries) * 100

Unique invalids

The amount of unique invalid sends for this campaign or notification.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique invalid sends / (Unique sends + Unique invalid sends)) * 100

Unique deliveries

The amount of unique deliveries for this campaign or notification.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique deliveries / Unique sends) * 100

Unique clicks

The amount of unique clicks for this campaign or notification.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Unique clicks / Unique deliveries) * 100

Total sent

The total amount of sends for this campaign or notification.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Notifications sent / Notifications sent + Invalid notification sends)) * 100

Total invalid

The total amount of invalid sends for this campaign or notification.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Invalid notification sends / Invalid notification sends + Notifications sent)) * 100

Total delivered

The total amount of deliveries for this campaign or notification.

Displayed as a sum and a percentage.

Formula: (Notifications delivered / Notifications sent) * 100