Using the Ortto knowledge base
The Ortto knowledge base is your place to learn about setting up and getting the most out of Ortto's products and features.
Our knowledge base articles are arranged in categories reflecting the features of our app, such as Dashboards, Campaigns, and Settings, plus some additional topic-focused categories, like Security. Articles about interacting with our API are housed in the Developer guide and API reference categories. And, customers who use our legacy product, Autopilot Journeys, can find Autopilot articles in their own category.
Search the Ortto knowledge base
At you can access, via the relevant categories, articles for Ortto and Autopilot.
To make it easy to search for articles relevant to each, we have a toggle option available in the search bar, so you can choose which results you want to see.
By default, the search returns articles for Ortto users. If you want to return results for Autopilot, simply click on the Ortto/Autopilot toggle in the search bar.

Explore categories and sub-categories
You can explore articles from the top-level categories on the home page. Simply click on the category you want, then explore the articles and sub-categories within.

Get in touch with our team
While using the knowledge base, if you'd like more information about a feature or aspect of Ortto, you can get in touch with our team by clicking the chat icon, then click Start a conversation and submit your query.

You can also start a conversation from an article, when you provide feedback. If the article you're reading doesn't provide the information you're looking for, you can let us know by responding No in the article feedback section at the bottom of the page. When you type your feedback and click Submit, it will start a conversation with one of our team members who will be able to assist with your query.

We value your feedback as it helps us to keep improving the knowledge base so you can find the information you need at any time.