Autopilot: Condition - Check Salesforce Campaign Member Status
The Check Campaign Member Status condition allows you to check what stage of a campaign a Salesforce lead or contact is on.
To use this condition you need to be connected to Salesforce and have setup your campaign in Salesforce. Then do the following:
1. Drop the "Campaign Member Status" condition
2. Configure the condition
To configure the condition, first select your campaign. Then choose the status you'd like to check for. All of Salesforce's status are available to select from: Planned, Received, Responded and Sent.
For example, here I am checking if the contact flowing into the condition has responded to this campaign:

3. Connect your condition
Since there's a variety of ways you could use this condition, here's a simple example of how you might use it to send a follow up SMS to those who haven't responded to your campaign: