Autopilot: How to use Zapier with Autopilot
Autopilot's Zapier integration makes it easy to connect to the apps you're already using. Here's some examples of what you can do using Zapier:
What triggers and actions does Zapier support?
Contact Removed From List
- Contact Unsubscribes
- Contact Added
- Contact Added to List
- Unsubscribe Contact
- Delete Contact
- Add Contact
- Add Contact to List
Please note that the "Add Contact" and "Add Contact to List" actions will update an existing contact if they already exist in Autopilot.
How to connect Zapier to Autopilot
The following process uses the "Add Contact" action as an example. The steps would be slightly different if you were using a different action, or a trigger.
- Create a Zapier account if you don’t already have one. If you're an existing user, please login to Zapier.
2. Click "Make a Zap"

3. Choose a trigger app. For the sake of this example, let's pick a Wufoo form. But remember, you could pick any trigger you like here. Connect your Wufoo account and select the form you'd like to capture.
4. For the action app, choose Autopilot. Zapier will then ask you for your Autopilot key in order to connect your Autopilot account. You'll only need to do this the first time you setup a Zap with Autopilot. To get your key, go to Settings and click "Generate":
Follow the steps to complete the Zap setup:

Once you’ve turned the Zap on, Autopilot will automatically capture the form submissions and add them to the list you chose. If they’re a new contact (i.e. they don’t yet exist in Autopilot) they’ll be added as a new contact. If they’re an existing contact, the existing record will be updated with any new information in the form submission. Autopilot uses email address to determine if a contact is the same.
You can also use a Zap Template. These are Zaps that users and developers have created and shared to get you started, or to enable a quick resolution to common pain points.
Create a Journey in Autopilot that is triggered when Zapier adds a contact
Now comes the fun part! You can add contacts that are added via your Zap to an Autopilot Journey. For example, you could use the List Trigger to add people who submit your Wufoo form to a drip nurture:
Remember to configure the List Trigger to add contacts that are added to the list in future: