Stripe person fields

Stripe contacts are merged into your customer data platform (CDP) on the initial connection with Stripe, and subsequently when a contact is created in Stripe, a transaction occurs, a user commenced/ended a trial and when a customer signs up to a product or service and a subscription activity is generated.

Person fields added from Stripe

This table lists the Stripe person fields that are added to your Ortto account after integrating Ortto with Stripe as a new data source.




Customer ID

Text (string)

The Stripe customer ID for the Stripe contact.



The email address of the Stripe contact.


Text (string)

The Stripe contact’s username.

Address Line 1

Text (string)

The Stripe billing contact’s address, line 1.

Address Line 2

Text (string)

The Stripe billing contact’s address, line 2.


Text (string)

The Stripe billing contact’s city.


Text (string)

The Stripe contact’s billing phone number.


Text (string)

The Stripe billing contact’s ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India.

Address State

Text (string)

The Stripe billing contact’s state or province.

Address Country

Text (string)

The billing address country of the Stripe contact, in ISO 3166-2 country code.

Address Zip

Text (string)

The Stripe billing contact’s zip or postal code.

Address Company

Text (string)

The Stripe contact’s company name.


Phone number object

The phone number of the Stripe contact.


Text (string)

The company name of the Stripe contact.

Is location valid


A flag to indicate whether (true) or not (false) the Stripe contact’s location is validated based on IP address and Card issuing country. If the location is valid, it returns True. If not, it returns False. Applicable only for EU, New Zealand and Australia

Created at

Time and date

Indicates when the Stripe contact resource was created in Stripe.


Text (string)

Determines which region-specific language Stripe uses to communicate with the Stripe contact.

Billing date

Time and date

Indicates the Stripe contact’s monthly and yearly subscription renewal date (if Stripe calendar billing with billing date support is enabled).

Billing date mode

Text (string)

Indicates whether the Stripe contact’s billing_date value is derived per the Stripe account configurations or if it is specifically set (overriden). When specifically set, the billing_date will not be reset even when all of the monthly/yearly subscriptions are cancelled.