14 day trial plans
When you sign up to try Ortto for free, you get 14 days to explore and use Ortto’s features (except SMS). This includes up to 10,000 contacts and up to 100 email sends.
Once you’ve finished your trial, we’ll suggest a paid plan we think will suit your needs, based on your activities and account usage during your trial.
Starting a free trial
To start a free trial of Ortto, head to our website and click Try Ortto free or Start 14 day trial.
Populate the sign up form and follow the prompts to launch your account.
Once you have your Ortto account, you can import your customer data and get started using Ortto’s features. We recommend working through the Onboarding checklist to get set up and get the most out of your trial.
What happens when my 14 day trial expires?
After 14 days you will have the option to select a plan to continue using Ortto. You can of course choose to begin a paid plan before your trial expires (for example if you have exhausted your allocation of sent emails and want to continue using Ortto).
To select an Ortto plan:
- At the trial banner at the top of the page, click Select a plan.
- On the Choose your plan page, select a plan and billing cycle, then click Continue.
- Then, proceed through the remainder of the checkout process.

If your trial expires and you have not yet selected a plan, your account will be deleted in 90 days and won’t be recoverable.